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Tastes amazing for 100! Strictly speaking the loaf itself is freshly baked. And as I write the huge loaf is still melting butter and dripping honey. But the Sourdough starter - ahhh - that has survived five generations! Imagine fermenting your wild yeast - to make bread which would survive you. 100 years old?! Truly; age has matured this bread to be of the most incredible flavour. As a lover of history my imagination soars to think what the little old lady, a century ago would say; if she knew what tales her Sourdough starter would live to tell.


Apart from its unique flavour, Sourdough bread is up to 60% more readily digestible than regular bread. The fermenting process that is unique to Sourdough bread enhances the uptake of all vitamins and minerals, while it lowers the impact that gluten has on many people. A big win for my household (namely the more particular husband) the discard baking does not have that sharp Sourdough taste.

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Recently I received one of the best gifts ever. The century old Sourdough starter. It was only a couple spoons. Which I promptly fed; 1/2 cup rye flour and 1/3 distilled water. Within a few hours the happy starter was racing up the sides of the sterilized 1 litre jar. Then I could begin the dough making fun.

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I've made and nursed and baked and gifted many Sourdough starters. However, receiving this ancient starter is an extraordinary gift. The recipe accompanying the wonderful gift is a complex one but the flavour is worth every bite. Piping hot with a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Or lightly toasted with our homegrown honey, goats milk cheeses and Buckaroo olives makes this bread one of a kind. May it live to feed multitudes for many years to come!

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Wow, 100 years!
That's crazy! So much history on a bread!

Oh what a luxurious looking loaf! I don't eat a lot of bread, but sourdough, well, that is my weakness! I would roll around like an unrepentant cat just to get a slice of that slathered in whipped butter and lavender honey, right MEOW!

And the origin story makes it even better! Have I ever told you how much I adore your posts? 😊 Hope you are having the bestest day my dear friend!


You have once or many times....but I'm happy to hear it. Sometimes it feels all the effort and enthusiasm is wasted. You know? Now that lavender honey reminds me.....yum

Every part of your reply made me smile. Glad you are happy😊 And I know for sure I am always happy to see the results of your efforts. Lavender honey efforts included lol lol!


This looks interesting to try out. Sour dough bread. Never heard of. Would love to try it out.

It's the ancient way of making bread. With naturally fermented yeast

It would be ideal to see the step by step of the elaboration of this bread, not only the final result

Next time! I was just excited to share the incredible bread with such a history


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Nice, thanks for sharing the bread recipe! :)
I like the traditional ones and will probably try it in the next days..

This looks and sounds divine! When I heard for the first time on the internet a hundred year old sourdough starter I was like - whaaaat? But since I have dried some of mine but this little wee one is only 2.5 years old. Yet it still makes wonderful sourdough bread.