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Sacrilege indeed! But your secret is safe with me and the hundreds of others who can peruse the comments. Something else to bear in mind - which cheesemaking taught me (it is, after all another fermented food!) - too many natural wild yeasts competing can be a major problem. I've had yoghurt and kefir flopping time after time only to realize I had sauerkraut or sourdough in the same room. Even a big bowl of fruit. So maybe give it another try?


Oh yes! Thank you so much for this. I think I have this mentality sometimes that more is better. That was probably what happened. Too much of a good thing. Because I used some homegrown garlic chives and spring onions, but with store-bought cabbage. Maybe the different yeasts competed and the resulting product wasn't as good as it should have been.

Remember. Less is more!

Isn't this so true to most things in life! Thank you so much for the reminder.