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RE: Vegan chocolate tarte , not for Valentines and a little bit of ranting of restaurant goers

Canadian? Really? I must have Canadian blood - "sorry" is a regularly used word in my vocabulary. As for the rant - would you believe that there are any/many in agreement with you? On many levels. I also do not do valentine's. Over-rated. Commercial. Cheesy? That's putting it nicely. And why go along with the crowd and make one day out of the year a day to spoil someone or say those three words that they may long to hear the other 363 days of the year. Let me not go on...

As for the restaurant business. Been there. Done that. Using the t-shirt as a floor rag. Customers have NO IDEA. Truly. No idea. And no consideration. But! Hopefully you got to indulge in some of that yummy chocolate and berry bliss. I also love the combination. As well as chocolate and a dash of zesty citrus.

You nailed it @carolynstahl "Love is good in any form on any day.❤️"


Thanks for getting it. Just came home from work. The last table showed up half hour after closing time. I put everything away and had to get it out again. They didn't care. They told the server "sorry" haha.