Exquisite Choco-Coco Cake. / Exquisito Pastel Choco-Coco.


Greetings beautiful foodie community ☺

One of the cakes that catch my attention the most are those that take Coconut and Chocolate together, I remember by the way that in the year of the pandemic I learned to make one that everyone who tasted it was in love, they sucked their fingers, so much so that I had to make to sell, yes, that cake was a great success, but unfortunately I no longer remember how I made it.

This one that I will share with you today is not at all the same as the one I made that year, but I can assure you that it is obsessively delicious, it is like a Brownie but it also has the exquisite touch of Coconut that makes it a very special and irresistible cake.

If I'm honest I wanted to kill my craving for Chocolate and what better way than a cake like this, also compared to others, this is quite healthy, it has no refined flours and yet its texture is impressive, this is definitely a cake to share and show off with family and friends, I'm sure everyone will love it.

Now without further words I invite you to make together this exquisite Cake.


  • 1/2 Cup Oat Flour.
  • 1/2 cup of dehydrated grated coconut.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 5 tablespoons of butter, you can also use Coconut Oil.
  • 80 Grams of Chocolate to melt, the one of your preference, I used a 50 percent Cacao.
  • 5 tablespoons of grated Panela or Muscat Sugar.
  • 4 tablespoons of honey.
  • 3 tablespoons of Cocoa Powder.
  • 2 teaspoons of Baking Powder.

Let's go with our preparation:

The first thing to do is to preheat our oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Now in a bowl we are going to put the 4 eggs.

We also add the butter and the honey.

The Panela or Sugar, and mix, trying to integrate all the ingredients well.

Now we are going to incorporate the Oat Flour.

We also add our Cocoa Powder and Baking Powder in a sifted way.

Then we integrate the dehydrated Coconut.

Mix again integrating everything very well, our mixture should be homogeneous.

Now in a previously greased and floured mold we pour our preparation.

And at this point we are going to cut into pieces our Chocolate to melt.

Once cut we are going to place it to our mixture, introducing it slightly in the preparation.

We put it in the oven for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, remember everything will depend on your oven, when your kitchen starts to smell delicious, it is because our cake is almost ready.

Mine was ready in 20 minutes, that time was perfect.

After we took it out of the oven, let it cool to room temperature and unmold.

I added a little more coconut and a few drops of chocolate on top, this is optional, I just did it to brighten up my cake a little more.

Now all we have to do is chop a nice piece of it and enjoy it.

Ummmm this cake is delicious, it will surely be in my favorite dessert recipes.

Yield: 6 Servings, 5 if you want bigger pieces, hahahaha ☺

Thank you for your kind company and support, may the Creator bless you generously.

Photos of my property taken with my Tecno Spark 20c phone.
Separators and Figures from Microsoft Word.
Collage used: CollageMaker.


Saludos hermosa comunidad foodie ☺

Uno de los pasteles que más llaman mi atención son aquellos que llevan Coco y Chocolate juntos, recuerdo por cierto que en el año de la pandemia aprendí a hacer uno que todo el que lo probaba quedaba enamorado, se chupaban los dedos, tanto era así que tuve que hacer para vender, sí, ese pastel fue un gran éxito, pero lastimosamente ya no recuerdo como lo hacía.

Este que les compartiré hoy no es para nada el mismo que hacía en aquel año, pero si les puedo asegurar que esta obsesionadamente delicioso, es como un Brownie pero tiene también el toque exquisito del Coco que lo hace un pastel muy especial e irresistible.

Si les soy sincera quería matar mi antojo de comer Chocolate y que mejor manera de un pastel como este, además comparado con otros, este está bastante saludable, no tiene Harinas refinadas y aún así su textura es impresionante, definitivamente este es un pastel para compartir y lucirte con familiares y amigos, estoy segura que todos lo amarán.

Ahora sin más palabras te invito a que juntos hagamos este exquisito Pastel.


  • 1/2 Taza de Harina de Avena.
  • 1/2 Taza de Coco rallado deshidratado.
  • 4 Huevos.
  • 5 Cucharadas de Mantequilla pomada, tambien puedes usar Aceite de Coco.
  • 80 Gramos de Chocolate para fundir, el que sea de tu preferencia, yo usé uno 50 por ciento Cacao.
  • 5 Cucharadas de Panela rallada o Azúcar Moscabado.
  • 4 Cucharadas de Miel.
  • 3 Cucharadas de Cacao en polvo.
  • 2 Cucharaditas de Polvo para Hornear.

Vamos con nuestra preparación:

Lo primero es poner a precalentar nuestro horno a 180 grados centigrados..

Ahora en un bowl vamos a echar los 4 Huevos.

También agregamos la Mantequilla, La Miel.

La Panela o Azúcar, y mezclamos, tratando de integrar bien todos los ingredientes.

Ahora vamos a incorporar la Harina de Avena.

Echamos también y de manera cernida nuestro Cacao en polvo y el Polvo para hornear.

Luego integramos el Coco deshidratado.

Mezclamos nuevamente integrando todo muy bien, nuestra mezcla debe quedar homogénea.

Ahora en un molde previamente engrasado y enharinado vertemos nuestra preparación.

Y en este punto vamos a cortar en trozos nuestro Chocolate para fundir.

Una vez cortado se lo vamos a colocar a nuestra mezcla, introduciéndolo ligeramente en la preparación.

Metemos al horno por aproximadamente 15 a 20 minutos, recuerda todo va a depender de tu horno, cuando tu cocina empiece a olor delicioso, es porque ya estará casi listo nuestro Pastel.

El mío estuvo listo en 20 minutos, ese tiempo fue perfecto.

Luego que lo hemos sacado del horno, dejamos enfriar a temperatura ambiente y desmoldamos.

Yo le agregue por encima un poco más de Coco y unas pequeñas gotas de Chocolate, esto es opcional, solo lo hice para alegrar un poco más mi Pastel.

Ahora solo nos queda picar un buen pedazo y disfrutarlo!

Ummmm este Pastel está buenísimo, seguro estará en mis recetas favoritas de postres.

Rinde: 6 Porciones, 5 si deseas pedazos más grandes, jajajaja ☺

Gracias por tu amable compañía y apoyo, el Creador te bendiga generosamente.

Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono Tecno Spark 20c.
Separadores y Figuras de Microsoft Word.
Collage usado: CollageMaker.


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Una delicia amiga, mis toques especiales, coco y el chocolate amargo para un buen pastel. Bendiciones

Hola amiga!
Si definitivamente está combinación es irresistible 🤤
Bendiciones igualmente, un abrazo 🤗

I want to try this but I don't have an oven 😅

Oh no, it's too bad you don't have an oven, you know, but you can also cook it in a frying pan, if you have a small one, put the mixture there, then put the chocolate on top and cover it over low heat, but the pan must be non-stick.


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Thanks You for the support @sirenahippie 🤗🌹and @foodiesunite 💕

the combination of coconut and chocolate must taste very delicious. many children like it. thank you for sharing.

Hello, friend! That's right, this is a combination I think is for everyone, kids and adults.

Really amazing! Coconut and chocolate make such a delicious combination, thanks for sharing – I definitely have to try it!

If my friend recommends that you prepare this recipe, I'm sure everyone in your family will love it, it's delicious!
Greetings and thank you for your kind visit.

What a nice cocoa cake, looks so fluffy 😋 I wish I could have a slice ❤️❤️

Oh yes dear this cake was super delicious, the chocolate melted inside, a delight, as I would love to give you a piece, but well there is the recipe for you to do it when you can, it is a very simple recipe to make.
Greetings sweetie ☺️