Reading ' Born to run' written by Christopher Mc Douglas, I discovered the incredible benefits of Chia seeds and went to buy some the same day and searched for great recipes.
Mr Mc Douglas is a passionate runner looking to strengthen his body as he is constantly suffering from foot injuries. Looking for a therapy he goes to meet the Tarahumara people in the Copper Canyon.
After searching from them across the canyon he eventually find a tribe and get the chance to taste a strange mixture. At first he described it as 'a gooey slime that looked like rice pudding without the rice, lots of black-flecked bubbles'.
The Tarahumara call this 'Iskiate'.
He later realized that this weird mixture was chia pudding, the tribe home-brewed Red Bull ! Chia seed, lime and a little sugar is the original recipe.
Personally I added a bit of strawberry jam in it to make it more interesting.
Those seeds are superpacked with Omega-3s, Omega-6s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber and antioxidants. How could we not love them !
If you have a favorite recipe please share it below :)