Good day friends!!!
Buen día amigos!!!
I will share a delicious recipe that I usually prepare for breakfast, a salty muffins, chives with cheese, they are rich, fluffy and ideal to eat with a rich coffee or orange juice to start the morning.
Compartiré una deliciosa receta que suelo preparar para el desayuno, un muffins salado, de cebollino con queso, son ricos, esponjosos e ideales para comer con un rico café o jugo de naranja para iniciar la mañana.
You will need to:
• 1 cup of wheat flour.
• 1 egg.
• 2 butter spoons.
• 1 sprig of chopped chives.
• 1/2 cup of grated cheese.
• 1 1/2 tablespoon of sugar.
• 1 teaspoon salt.
• Pepper to taste.
• 1 taza de harina de trigo.
• 1 huevo.
• 2 cucharadas de mantequilla.
• 1 rama de cebollino picado.
• 1/2 taza de queso rallado.
• 1 1/2 cucharada de azúcar.
• 1 cucharadita de sal.
• Pimienta al gusto.
First, we mix the butter with the sugar, salt, pepper and the egg.
Primero, mezclamos la mantequilla con el azúcar, sal , pimienta y el huevo.
Next, add the grated cheese and chives previously fried in butter.
Seguidamente, adicionamos el queso rallado y el cebollino previamente sofrito en mantequilla.
Add the wheat flour and mix until it forms a light mixture.
Agregamos, la harina de trigo y mezclamos hasta formar una mezcla ligera.
We pour into the previously greased muffin molds.
Vertimos en los moldes de muffins previamente engrasados.
Finally, they are baked at 200C for 15 minutes.
Finalmente, se llevan al horno a 200C por 15 minutos.
Ready friends !!! We can now enjoy these delicious muffins for a great breakfast with your loved ones.
Listo amigos!!! Ya podemos disfrutar de estos ricos muffins para un gran desayuno con tus seres queridos.
I hope you like my post ... greetings!
Espero les guste mi post... saludos!
Photos taken with my ZTE Vetelca.
Fotos tomadas con mi ZTE Vetelca.
looking yummy. have to try at home. thanks for sharing this.
Thank you! they are tasty and very easy, ideal for breakfast
cheezy and fluffy, a perfect combination 😄 thank you for sharing your recipe!
thanks friend!!! They are delicious, I hope you try them