Love a good sauce! Makes it add a lot of interesting stuff to a meal that could otherwise be mundane. Ssiena says that I have the weirdest taste buds in that I add all kinds of spices and stuff to my food, sauces included and I comment if she doesn’t add enough pizzazz! Lol. I’m known to add all kinds of stuff to foods I cook such as breakfast you had here, which is perfectly acceptable as a dinner and one I have myself regularly, adding turmeric, cayenne, black pepper and paprika to my eggs and spike it with a little hot sauce but not too much and you’ve got one hell of a meal!
2$ for that sauce isn’t too shabby! Hot sauce around here tends to get a bit on the expensive side, most bottles cost upwards of 5$ and 10$+ for the craft stuff. Not the worst considering how long it lasts but always a little tough to commit 10$ to something.
There's noting wrong with a touch of weird when it comes to food tastes, and there's always room for hot sauce. I like your eggs concoction too, so damned tasty!
The sauce was on special, I'm not sure what it was before but I'd say at least $5 as that's what it is for others. It's also a very small bottle. Still, I thought $2 was reasonable for the sauce and I'd have been content even if it wasn't bloody awesome!