Look at those luxuriously deep orange egg yolks!! Did you know in the US most of our yolks are a weak and sorry yellow?
I am obsessed with good eggs.
Damn your sophisticatedly sour currant zucchini bikini linguini cake!!! I want some.
Look at those luxuriously deep orange egg yolks!! Did you know in the US most of our yolks are a weak and sorry yellow?
I am obsessed with good eggs.
Damn your sophisticatedly sour currant zucchini bikini linguini cake!!! I want some.
Just use oat flour, it will turn out even better!
Unfortunately I know, same here with hybrid eggs, these are free range local bought (completely understand your struggle, personally I get sick watching pale yellowish yolk wanna be)
I invited you so many times! :D
I'm going to accept your invite and fly out tonight. Eggs for breakfast. Zucchini cake and coffee for lunch. I'll help you paint your tree trunks.
Woah, you are the most desirable host on planet :D pure minimalist!
I like simplicity over big fancy shmancy plans. Much calmer and easier to enjoy!
I'm kind of done with plans...
But not plants. Or pans.
Pants, maybe.