Hoy es una de esas tardes donde después de almorzar una deliciosa sopa el paladar te dice necesitas comer un dulce, postre casero es decir comer algo realizado con amor en casa.
Ingredientes en está ocasión tenía pocas opciones así que dije una torta de zanahoria 🥕. Tengo zanahoria, azúcar me quedaba poca harina y huevos. Pero me dió por inventar claro la cocina se trata de eso de creatividad.
Vi una naranja al fondo del mesón, tenía cacao en polvo también. Aquí está una torta de zanahoria combinaba con chocolate y naranja.
Today is one of those afternoons where after having a delicious soup for lunch, your palate tells you that you need to eat a sweet, homemade dessert, that is, eat something made with love at home.
Ingredients on this occasion I had few options so I said a carrot cake 🥕. I have carrots, sugar, I had little flour and eggs. But I decided to invent, of course cooking is about creativity.
I saw an orange at the back of the counter, it had cocoa powder too. Here is a carrot cake combined with chocolate and orange.
Una zanahoria mediana rallada ( una taza de zanahoria rallada)
1 1/2 de harina
1 taza de azúcar
3/4 de taza de aceite
2 huevos si tienen 3 mucho mejor ( yo no tenía)
1/2 cdita de canela en polvo
1/2 cdita de polvo de hornear
Una cda de cacao amargo en polvo
Ralladura de media naranja
One medium grated carrot (one cup grated carrot)
1 1/2 flour
1 cup of sugar
3/4 cup oil
2 eggs if they have 3 much better (I didn't have one)
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
One tbsp bitter cocoa powder
Zest of half an orange
Empecé con la base de torta de zanahoria, todo lo hice manual sin batidora eléctrica, bati los huevos agregué el azúcar, el aceite, empecé a agregar la harina hasta que quede homogénea, 1/2 cdita de polvo de hornear, 1/2 cdita de canela, añadimos la zanahoria rallada mezclamos. Para darle un sabor especial añadí la ralladura de media naranja.
I started with the carrot cake base, I did everything manually without an electric mixer, I beat the eggs, added the sugar, the oil, I started adding the flour until it was homogeneous, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, add the grated carrot and mix. To give it a special flavor I added the zest of half an orange.
Una vez bien unidos los ingredientes, separe un cuarto de mezcla para hacer una parte de chocolate, agregando una cda de cacao amargo en polvo.
Once the ingredients are well combined, separate a quarter of the mixture to make one part of chocolate, adding a tbsp of bitter cocoa powder.
Luego enmatequille un molde redondo pequeño, y enharine. Agregué la mezcla base y la de chocolate de forma alternada buscando un marmoleado.
Then butter a small round mold and flour it. I added the base mixture and the chocolate mixture alternately, looking for a marbling.
Listo al horno precalentado a 180°C👌
Horneamos unos 25 minutos.
Ready in the oven preheated to 180°C👌
We bake for about 25 minutes.
Créanme la combinación era como me la imaginé indescriptible, suave, la naranja combinó perfecto tanto con la zanahoria y el chocolate, le dio un toque de frescura increíble. Que la disfruten 🎉👌🥕🍊💕
Believe me, the combination was as I imagined, indescribable, soft, the orange combined perfectly with both the carrot and the chocolate, giving it an incredible touch of freshness. Enjoy it 🎉👌🥕🍊💕
Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi T11, receta original de mi persona, traductor Google.
The photos were taken with my Xiaomi T11 cell phone, original recipe from me, Google translator.
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I love carrot cakes, but never tried with chocolate combination. Looks great and similar with marble cakes
I love the traditional carrot one, but I wanted to invent it and combine it with chocolate and give it freshness with orange zest, it exceeded my expectations. My family loved it, we ate the entire cake in one afternoon. Thank you very much for your comment.