Here's a quick test to see if Stevia and Erythritol will ferment. I was considering using this to back sweeten some other wine experiments but I had to know if it would restart the fermentation first.
Here's the ingredients:
1/2 liter water
1 tsp stevia + erythritol
1/8 tsp yeast nutrient
1/8 tsp DAP
1/16 tsp Red Star Premier Cuvee yeast
No fermentation, no activity at all. This means it's safe for back sweetening although I tried mixing this in to one of my earlier wine experiments and wasn't happy with the flavor. It's sweet but in a different way than sugar and although this seemed to have some potential I have doubts that it will be a viable solution to balance out the sour nature of some of the fruit wine's.
Please leave your comments and thoughts below. Cheers!