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RE: Preparing a Durian

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Hahahaha🤣 doubt exotic fruits give us more work but they are a delight!!!
This one looks like a Guanábana, one of my favorite tropical fruits , but Guanábana smells and tastes delicious, its rind is soft , you can open it with your hands easily when it is ripe, it is a fruit melts in your mouth !!!!🤤

Soursop juices are the best. It is an antioxidant fruit, rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron with high fiber content and very moisturizing. I hope someday you will have the pleasure of enjoying soursop!😍

Captura de pantalla 2022-06-23 a la(s) 1.07.32 p. m..png