FOODlog #610: Hainanese Chicken Rice

Went out for lunch and met up with a friend today nearby where we live. This place serves Hainanese Chicken Rice and its at a government hawker center that's been around since I was in secondary school which is around 20 years now. Having a good business being around for so long, you bet its gonna be some good food to be having such longevity.



I ordered myself some steamed chicken today and my friend got some roasted chicken and some 'bok choy'. The chicken rice comes with the usual side of cucumber and of course the chicken itself and steamed rice that's been cooked with chicken fat and stock with some other aromatics like ginger.

The rice was really nice and flavorful with the fragrant aroma from the chicken fat and stock its been cooked in. The chicken itself was tender, juicy, and flavorful, everything you'd want for a chicken rice.



There's also some chili sauce that you can serve yourself. The chili is made form blended chili, orange skin, ginger, and garlic. It's a very unique chili sauce and is always served with chicken rice.


At the end if our meal, my friend paid for the meal and treated me to lunch. A good day catching up and spending time together.


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looks delicious I would like try it someday.😍😍