Feliz noche amigos. Hoy quiero compartir el paso a paso de estás mini pizzas en forma de corazón, les mostraré el paso a paso de la masa que sazone con orégano. Estás mini pizzas las hice para mi mamá.
Good night friends. Today I want to share the step by step of these mini heart-shaped pizzas, I will show you the step by step of the dough that I season with oregano. These mini pizzas I made for my mom.
Para hacer está pizza necesitamos:
- harina de trigo.
- sal.
- azúcar.
- mantequilla.
- 1huevo.
- orégano.
- salsa napolitana.
- pimentón.
- cebolla.
- maíz.
- jamón.
- queso.
To make this pizza we need:
- wheat flour.
- Salt.
- sugar.
- Butter.
- 1 egg.
- oregano.
- Neapolitan sauce.
- peppers.
- onion.
- corn.
- Ham.
- cheese.
Comencé colocando la mayor parte de harina de trigo en un recipiente y le agregue sal y un poco de azúcar.
I started by putting most of the wheat flour in a bowl and adding salt and a little sugar.
Ahora agrego un poco de mantequilla, aproximadamente 2 cucharadas.
Now I add a little butter, about 2 tablespoons.
Agregamos el huevo y bastante orégano, más de una cucharada así nuestra masa tendrá un delicioso toque de esta hierba.
We add the egg and a lot of oregano, more than a tablespoon so our dough will have a delicious touch of this herb.
Por último vamos a colocar el agua y vamos a amasar bien nuestra masa de pizza.
Finally we are going to place the water and we are going to knead our pizza dough well.
Aquí ya tenemos la masa lista, la vamos a dejar reposar por 30 minutos. En este caso no agregue levadura ya que use harina leudante que era la que tenía en casa.
Here we already have the dough ready, we are going to let it rest for 30 minutes. In this case, do not add yeast since I used self-rising flour that was the one I had at home.
Luego de que nuestra masa reposo la vamos a cortar para poder estirar.
After our rest dough we are going to cut it to be able to stretch.
Estiramos la masa y cortamos el corazón. Yo use un molde de torta y saque esta forma.
Stretch the dough and cut the heart. I use a cake pan and scoop out this shape.
Luego de que corte toda la masa la coloque en una bandeja para llevar al horno.
After you cut all the dough, place it on a tray to take to the oven.
A nuestra masa le vamos a colocar una capa de salsa napolitana que es muy deliciosa.
We are going to put a layer of Neapolitan sauce on our dough, which is very delicious.
Ahora vamos a agregar la cebolla y el pimentón que cortamos en tiras.
Now we are going to add the onion and the paprika that we cut into strips.
Ahora vamos a colocar un poco de maíz que le da un toque dulce que es perfecto.
Now we are going to place a little corn that gives it a sweet touch that is perfect.
Ahora vamos a colocar el queso, con un cortante corte el queso en corazones pequeños.
Now we are going to place the cheese, with a sharp knife cut the cheese into small hearts.
Con el jamón hice lo mismo y lo corte en corazones. Lo agregue en la pizza y ya está lista para ir al horno.
With the ham I did the same and cut it into hearts. Add it to the pizza and it's ready to go in the oven.
Cuando ya la pizza este dorada la vamos a sacar del horno. Yo la cocine por aproximadamente 25 minutos.
When the pizza is already golden we are going to take it out of the oven. I cook it for approximately 25 minutes.
Este es el resultado final. Unas deliciosas mini pizzas para celebrar el amor. Y consentir a los que amamos.
This is the final result. Some delicious mini pizzas to celebrate love. And pamper those we love.
Ella es mi mamá y estás mini pizzas de corazón fueron para consentirla y hacerle una cena diferente y deliciosa.
She is my mom and these mini pizzas from the heart were to pamper her and make her a different and delicious dinner.
Hola, amiga tus mini pizza la presentación quedo muy bonita y se ven deliciosas, gracias por compartir saludos.
Muchas gracias amiga ☺️☺️☺️
I like mini pizzas, these are some sweet looking ones!
Yes. Thanks so much
super originales, ideales para sorprender a nuestros seres queridos amantes de las pizzas!! saludos 😚
Si amiga, esa es la idea. Feliz noche 😊
They are so lovely, I think I can eat three pieces of them in one sitting. Good afternoon!
Thanks friend
You're welcome (^_^)
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My daughter brought me heart shaped pieces of ham to make me laugh on Valentines Day! I put them on top of some Au Gratin potatoes that I made. It was certainly a unique Valentines gift! 🤣

My mom would say that what matters is the intention of bringing you something in the shape of a heart. My mom wanted hamburgers but I was a little lazy to make bread and I think making pizza was easier. How are you?
I m doing OK. How are you? Do you love your new refrigerator? It looks like it is much bigger than your old one.
I am glad to know that you are well, here quite well, managing day by day to prepare new recipes. Sometimes I just stand in the room and see it, it's incredible that after so much time I was able to buy it. Today I made a cold dessert to say that the fridge opens.