Smoked cutlet sandwich 🍖🍞 Sándwich de chuleta ahumada


Un saludo mis amigos comelones de Hive.Blog! Hoy me hice una súper cena deliciosa y sobre todo jugosa que deseo compartirles.

Greetings my eater friends from Hive.Blog! Today I made myself a super delicious and above all juicy dinner that I want to share with you.

🍞 Sándwich de chuleta ahumada 🍖

🍞 Smoked cutlet sandwich 🍖

Comenzamos colocando una chuleta a cocción de fuego medio bajo.

We start by placing a cutlet over medium low heat.

Se le debe dar vuelta dos veces...

It must be turned twice...

Hasta que esté bastante dorado por ambas partes.

Until it's quite golden on both sides.

A parte, tomamos un pan de corteza gruesa

In addition, we have a thick crust bread

Y cortamos una parte, debe ser con un cuchillo corrugado

And we cut a part, it must be with a corrugated knife

Luego tomamos un tomate y una cebolla

Then we have a tomato and an onion

Y cortamos en rebanadas

And we cut into slices

... Les comento que el tomate, es de la siembra que tengo en mi hogar 🍅 💖

... I tell you that the tomato is from the planting that I have in my home 🍅 💖

En un envase para aplastar, se colocan dos ajos pequeños y un puñal de orégano (preferiblemente fresco, este también es de mi jardín)

In a container to crush, two small garlic and a dagger of oregano are placed (preferably fresh, this is also from my garden)

Y aplastamos!

And we smash!

En un envase para salsas colocamos mahonesa y el ajo con orégano

In a container for sauces we place mayonnaise and garlic with oregano

Y mezclamos

And we mix

El pan lo cortamos a la mitad

We cut the bread in half

Sacamos la chuleta del sartén

We take the cutlet out of the pan

Sobre la grasa que desprendió la chuleta, tostamos el pan

On the fat released by the cutlet, we toasted the bread

y así queda 🔥😍 el tostado

and so it is 🔥😍 the toast

El aderezo lo colocamos

The dressing is placed

y untamos

and spread

Luego de poner cebolla y tomate...

After putting onion and tomato...

Tomaremos nuestra chuleta

We will take our chop

La cortamos en trozos rectangulares

We cut it into rectangular pieces

Y colocamos sobre nuestro pan

And we place on our bread

Finalizamos con una salsa extra si así lo deseas. Yo utilicé una de zanahoria, ají y otros aliños triturados.

We finish with an extra sauce if you wish. I used a carrot, chili pepper and other crushed dressings.

cerramos nuestro pan relleno

we close our stuffed bread

Y estará listo para comer!

And it will be ready to eat!

Espero puedas preparar y disfrutar esta deliciosa receta desde tu hogar, para cenas o compartir con tus seres queridos.

I hope you can prepare and enjoy this delicious recipe from home, for dinner or to share with your loved ones.

Gracias por visitar mi blog! Hasta un próximo post

Thank you for visiting my blog! Until a next post



A greeting! Can I participate with this post? Thanks for writing

Hmmm, i guess you have already eaten that beauty... so no, since the one important thing to do is posting a picture of it with a physical sign who says BISS of January... But go an read the guidelines and i'm sure you will make some other excellent sandwich to enter... you got until the 31st midnight. hehe

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Thank you very much!!! And thank you too to! Blessings!