Easy Baked Potato Cubes

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Easy peasy. After making it recently, it was a hit! With some ingredients still present in the fridge, we decided to make a sequel tonight.

Ingredients Baked Potato Cubes.jpg


  • 3-4 Potatoes, cubed
  • Olive Oil
  • Rock Salt / Kosher Salt / Sea Salt
  • 2 tbsp. Grainy Mustard (Moutarde A L'Ancienne)
  • 2 Red Onions, chopped
  • Ground Black Peppercorn
  • Chives, chopped (optional)
  • Tools: Oven , Baking Tray

Let's begin!

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Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (350 degrees F). Cut the potatoes in cubes.

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In a baking tray, place cubed potatoes and chopped red onions. Drizzle with olive oil. Generously sprinkle salt and ground black peppercorn. Add two tablespoons with big dollops of grainy mustard and top them with chopped chives.

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My baking tray is not large enough so I split them into 2.

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Mix them evenly and spread them on the tray.

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Keep them in the oven for 30-40 minutes until they're golden brown and crispy.

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