Hello Hive family, I want to share with you, this recipe for Mango Jelly, which in my country Venezuela, is given in abundance, and we can prepare it in different ways such as: Juice, jelly, ice cream and more. Today I will show you how to make a delicious Jelly, I hope you like it, let's start.
- Ingredientes:
- 2 Kilos de Mango verde.
- 250grs de azúcar.
- Una cucharada de Vainilla.
- Ingredients:
- 2 Kilos of green Mango.
- 250grs of sugar.
- A spoonful of Vanilla.
Paso 1: Lavamos bien nuestros mangos y cortamos la parte superior.
Paso 2: Lo Colocamos en una olla, y agregamos suficiente agua hasta cubrirlo todo.
Paso 3: Los ponemos a hervir durante 20 minutos, su punto de cocción es cuando su concha se agrieta. Cabe destacar que este mango es llamado Mango Dudu, ya que su pulpa es mas consistentes que las de otros mangos.
Step 1: Wash our mangoes well and cut off the top.
Step 2: We place them in a pot, and add enough water to cover everything.
Step 3: We put them to boil for 20 minutes, its cooking point is when its shell cracks. It should be noted that this mango is called Mango Dudu, because its pulp is more consistent than those of other mangoes.
- Paso 4: Procedemos a separar la pulpa de la concha y de la pepa de mango.
- Paso 5: Agregamos la pulpa a un bol, y le añadimos la azúcar y la vainilla.
- Paso 6: Procede,os a batir hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea, y dejamos reposar, y luego la colocamos a enfriar.
- Step 4: We proceed to separate the pulp from the shell and the mango seed.
- Step 5: Add the pulp to a bowl, and add the sugar and vanilla.
- Step 6: We proceed to beat until obtaining a homogeneous mixture, and let stand, and then we put it to cool.
Here is my final result, I hope you like it, thanks for reading my post, greetings to all.
All photos are my own.