Lets try to cook Aceh fish curry

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago


Dear foodies...

Fish is a food that contains a source of protein, it is very nice to be an Indonesian citizen who can get fresh fish every day in the traditional markets of the city I live in.

This time I will share one of the daily cooking recipes, especially applicable in my province, Aceh-Indonesia. Cook Sauteed Fish Aceh Taste or commonly known as Aceh Fish Curry. In some parts of our area, people really like this food that has a sour and spicy taste. If the research is carried out, it may be assumed that out of 10 residents' houses, 70 percent is this Aceh Fish Curry which they cook as their daily menu.

Today, in the market I see a lot of tuna, which when cooked, Aceh fish curry it is very delicious.

Tongkol fish (Euthynnus affinis) is a type of marine fish from the Scombridae tribe. Mainly roaming in shallow waters near the coast in the West Indo-Pacific region, mackerel is one of the important types of catch fish for fishermen. In international trade it is known as kawakawa, little tuna, mackerel tuna, or false albacore.

Ikan merupakan salah satu makanan yang mengandung sumber protein, sangat menyenangkan menjadi warga Indonesia yang bisa mendapatkan ikan segar setiap harinya di pasar-pasar tradisional kota saya tinggal.

Kali ini saya akan membagikan salah satu resep masakan harian, khususnya berlaku di provinsi saya, Aceh-Indonesia. Masak Ikan Tumis Aceh atau familiar disebut dengan masakan Kari Ikan Aceh. Di sebahagian daerah kami, masyarakat memang menyukai masakan yang memiliki rasa asam dan pedas ini. Jika dilakukan penelitian mungkin dapat diasumsikan bahwa dari 10 rumah warga, 70 persennya adalah masakan Ikan Tumis Aceh ini yang mereka masak sebagai menu hariannya.

Kebetulan sekali, di pasar saya melihat banyak sekali ikan tongkol yang jika dimasak tumis ini sangat lezat rasanya.

Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) adalah sejenis ikan laut dari suku Scombridae. Terutama menjelajah di perairan dangkal dekat pesisir di kawasan Indo-Pasifik Barat, tongkol merupakan salah satu jenis ikan tangkapan yang penting bagi nelayan. Dalam perdagangan internasional dikenal sebagai kawakawa, little tuna, mackerel tuna, atau false albacore.









This Acehnese fish curry is one of the recipes for food in the archipelago that is easiest for us housewives to learn. Besides the taste is also delicious, cooking it is also not complicated. The ingredients and how to cook them are as follows:


5 pieces of Tongkol fish/little tuna, (want to be cut into pieces depending on taste)
6 red chilies
20 pieces of cayenne pepper (want a spicier taste also depends on taste, can be added)
4 spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
Ginger is about the size of the tip of the index finger
25 pcs tamarind sunti (starfruit dried to dry and become a typical Aceh cooking spice)
1/4 tsp pepper
1 dried star anise
Thumb-sized turmeric
1 sprig of curry leaves
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of lime leaves
Salt, sugar as a flavor (to taste)
Enough water)
10 ml of cooking oil

How to cook it

First, clean the fish and wash it thoroughly, then give a little lemon and salt so that the smell of fish is lost. Wash all the ingredients that have been prepared (spices) then grind / blend all the ingredients until smooth. Except for the lawang flowers, lime leaves and curry leaves.

Heat the oil, add chopped onions, curry leaves and star anise. Saute until the aroma is visible. Then put in the spices that have been milled. Next, add a little water and add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar as a substitute for flavoring.

Put the tuna into the seasoning and leave it until the fish is cooked. Lift the fish into the plate and the fish is ready to be enjoyed with the family at home, it's better served with warm rice to add to the feeling of the Acehnese spicy sour sensation.

Masak tumis ikan Aceh ini adalah salah satu dari sekian resep makanan di Nusantara yang paling mudah dipelajari oleh kami para ibu rumah tangga. Selain rasanya juga enak, memasaknya juga tidak ribet. Adapun bahan-bahan dan cara memasaknya adalah sebagai berikut:


5 bh ikan tongkol sedang/ little tuna, (ingin dipotong menjadi beberapa bagian tergantung selera)
6 bh cabe merah
20 bh cabe rawit (ingin rasa lebih pedas juga tergantung selera, dapat ditambah lagi)
4 siung bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
Jahe kira-kira seukuran ujung jari telunjuk
25 bh asam sunti (belimbing wuluh yang dijemur sampai kering dan menjadi bumbu masak khas Aceh)
1/4 sdt lada
1 butir bunga lawang kering
Kunyit seukuran ibu jari
1 tangkai daun kari
2 lembar daun salam
2 lembar daun jeruk
Garam, gula sebagai penyedap (secukupnya)
Air (secukupnya)
10 ml minyak goreng

Cara Memasaknya

Pertama, bersihkan ikan dan cuci hingga bersih, kemudian berikan sedikit jeruk nipis dan garam agar hanyir pada ikan hilang. Cuci semua bahan yang telah disiapkan (bumbu) lalu giling/blender semua bahannya hingga halus. Kecuali bunga lawang, daun jeruk, dan daun kari.

Panaskan minyak, masukkan bawang rajang, daun kari dan bunga lawang. Tumis hingga aromanya kentara. Kemudian masukkan bahan bumbu yang sudah di giling. Selanjutnya tambahkan sedikit air dan beri garam 1sdt, gula 1/2 sdm sebagai pengganti penyedap.

Masukkan ikan tongkol ke dalam bumbu dan biarkan hingga ikan matang. Angkat ikan ke dalam piring dan ikan siap dinikmati bersama keluarga di rumah, lebih baik disajikan dengan nasi hangat untuk menambah merasakan sensasi asam pedas khas Aceh.







All photos were taken by POCO M3

Hive Gift by @doze


I love how you documented the whole process. Well done!

Thank you for stopping by and appreciate it my friend, have a nice day with the new recipe everyday.

Wow, Great post!

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Thank you @foodiesunite and @anggreklestari too for recomended 🙋😇