Idea de almuerzo: Pasta con vegetales, puerco y arroz || Lunch idea: Pasta with vegetables, pork and rice ♥

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¡Hola Chicos!

Hoy fue domingo de recalentado, ya que muchas personas no suelen cocinar los domingos sino que aprovechan esa comida que les ha sobrado de otros días y la recalientan. De eso se puede vivir tranquilamente en un domingo de descanso. 😂

Aunque yo la verdad solo recalenté un poco de pasta que me había sobrado del almuerzo anterior. La verdad es que me parecía que era muy poca para servir 3 platos de ella, por lo que se me ocurrió la loca idea de hacer un poco de arroz para complementar.

Y el resultado fue un almuerzo, que aunque para muchos no combina o tiene mucho carbohidratos, delicioso. Esta idea loca por supuesto que la documenté y hoy se las voy a compartir paso a paso.

Antes de comenzar por supuesto fui a la tienda a comprar algunas cositas que me hacían falta. La idea era hacer el menor esfuerzo posible al cocinar y creo que en parte se logró.

Hello Guys!

Today was reheating Sunday, as many people don't usually cook on Sundays but use leftover food from other days and reheat it. That's what you can live off on a Sunday off. 😂

Although the truth is that I only reheated some leftover pasta from the previous lunch. The truth is that I thought it was too little to serve 3 plates of it, so I had the crazy idea of making some rice to complement it.

And the result was a lunch, that although for many people it doesn't combine or has a lot of carbohydrates, it is delicious. This crazy idea of course I documented it and today I am going to share it with you step by step.

Before I started of course I went to the shop to buy a few things I needed. The idea was to make as little effort as possible when cooking and I think that was partly achieved.

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Compré unas chuletas de puerco, esta sería mi proteína en el plato. La verdad la compra no fue muy buena porque me vendieron más hueso y grasa que carne, pero igual había que sacar adelante esta preparación.

Así que las coloqué en una sartén sin nada de aceite para que la misma grasa del puerco las cocinara.

Luego las retiré de la sartén, retiré los huesos y la grasa y corté la carne en cuadritos pequeños. Esto lo reservé.


I bought some pork chops, this would be my protein on the plate. The truth is that the purchase was not very good because they sold me more bone and fat than meat, but I still had to make this preparation.

So I put them in a frying pan without any oil so that the pork fat would cook them.

Then I removed them from the pan, removed the bones and fat and cut the meat into small squares. This I set aside.

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En la misma sartén coloqué vegetales picados, estos fueron: cebolla, cebollín, celery, pimentón rojo y ajo.

Los sofreí con la misma grasa del puerco por algunos minutos.


In the same frying pan I put chopped vegetables, these were: onion, spring onion, celery, red pepper and garlic.

I fried them in the same pork fat for a few minutes.

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Luego agregué los trocitos de puerco al sofrito y aquí es donde viene la magia. Le coloqué un cantidad generosa de salsa boloñesa de la marca O'sole.

Les he agarrado amor a estas salsas porque además de ser deliciosas y facilitarme un mundo la vida, vale la pena por su precio. Acá las consigo en 1.4$ y traen 340 gr.

Su consistencia es bien espesa y estan cargadas de sabor. Actualmente el precio del tomate ronda los 3$ y me sale mucho mejor comprar una de estas que comprar el tomate y hacer la salsa desde cero.

Así que bueno, agregué la salsa y luego cociné por algunos minutos más.



Then I added the pork chunks to the sofrito and this is where the magic happens. I added a generous amount of O'sole bolognese sauce.

I've grown to love these sauces because as well as being delicious and making my life so much easier, they are worth the price. Here I get them for 1.4$ and they come in 340 grams.

Their consistency is very thick and they are full of flavour. Currently the price of tomatoes is around 3$ and it is much better for me to buy one of these than to buy the tomatoes and make the sauce from scratch.

So I added the sauce and then cooked for a few more minutes.

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La pasta que tenía guardada era pasta larga, pero como la iba a combinar con arroz me pareció que lo correcto era cortarla en trozos pequeños así no sería tan engorroso comerlo todo junto.

Luego de picarla la agregué al sofrito de vegetales y puerco y cociné por dos minutos más para que pudiera calentarse e integrarse bien a la salsa.

Al arroz que hice le agregué una cucharadita de cúrcuma porque me gusta el color que le da. Ya así estábamos listos para servir.


The pasta I had saved was long pasta, but as I was going to combine it with rice I thought it would be best to cut it into small pieces so it wouldn't be so messy to eat it all together.

After chopping it up I added it to the vegetable and pork sauce and cooked it for two more minutes so that it could heat up and integrate well with the sauce.

I added a teaspoon of turmeric to the rice I made because I like the colour it gives it. Now we were ready to serve.


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Así quedó finalmente el plato servido, la verdad es que resultó mejor de lo que esperaba y sin duda la protagonista del plato fue la pasta.

Espero que les haya gustado esta loca idea de almuerzo. ♥

This is how the dish was finally served, the truth is that it turned out better than I expected and without a doubt the star of the dish was the pasta.

I hope you liked this crazy lunch idea. ♥



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Espero haya sido de tu agrado y provecho.
Un gran abrazo a todos, y nos leemos en un próximo post
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Att: Estefania Garcia ♥

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Fotografías tomadas con un Moto G31
Texto traducido en Google ImTranslate v.14.27


This has me feeling hungry again even if I just ate my lunch just an hour ago. I think I am going to try it out.

It looks really cool, you should try it. Greetings and thanks for your words ☺️

I will, thanks.

Wow, it turns out that in your country there is also yellow rice, we call it yellow rice. Maybe the name and preparation process is different in Indonesia.

they look tempting!

What seasoning do you use to paint it yellow? I usually use either turmeric or curry which also gives it a really cool flavor. Here we are very creative with food and I like this rice because although it doesn't have a different flavor than white rice, it gives a different aspect to the dish and creates a different experience. Greetings friend and thanks for commenting ☺️