Kebabs My Version


Kebab is food that comes from the Middle East. In my city, many sell kebabs. I love kebabs. I made kebabs using kebab skins that I bought at a sausage shop.

Kebab adalah makanan yang berasal dari Timur Tengah. Di kotaku, banyak yang menjual kebab. Aku suka kebab. Aku membuat kebab dengan menggunakan kulit kebab yang kubeli di sebuah toko sosis.

I made kebabs with fillings: chicken, onion, lettuce slices, cucumber slices, red chili slices, tomato slices, chili sauce, and mayonnaise.

Aku membuat kebab dengan isian: ayam, bawang bombay, potongan selada, potongan timun, potongan cabai merah, potongan tomat, saus sambal, dan mayones.



Mix garlic with salt, pepper powder, powdered stock. puree. Mix the puree with the chicken pieces, stir. Marinate.

Campur bawang putih dengan garam, lada bubuk, kaldu bubuk. Haluskan. Campurkan halusannya dengan potongan-potongan ayam, aduk-aduk. Marinasi.


Prepare lettuce slices, tomato slices, cucumber slices, red chili slices, sautéed onion.

Siapkan potongan selada, potongan tomat, potongan timun, potongan cabai merah, tumisan bawang bombay.




Add the egg (adjust the amount according to the amount of chicken, at that time I only used 1 egg) into the marinated chicken pieces. Stir. Mix the chicken pieces into the flour (wheat flour (you can add other spices, such as salt, pepper powder) and/or seasoned flour). Fry the chicken pieces.

Masukkan telur (banyaknya sesuaikan dengan banyak ayam, waktu itu aku hanya memakai 1 telur) ke potongan-potongan ayam yang sudah dimarinasi. Aduk. Campurkan potongan-potongan ayam ke tepung (tepung terigu (boleh ditambahkan bumbu-bumbu lain seperti garam, lada bubuk) dan/atau tepung bumbu). Goreng potongan-potongan ayamnya.







Prepare the kebab skins. Add chili sauce, fried chicken, sautéed onion, lettuce slices, cucumber slices, red chili slices, tomato slices, chili sauce again, and mayonnaise.

Siapkan kulit kebab. Tambahkan saus sambal, ayam goreng, tumisan bawang bombay, potongan selada, potongan timun, potongan cabai merah, potongan tomat, saus sambal lagi, dan mayones.


Roll the kebab skins by folding the bottom first and then rolling horizontally (or it's up to you to use another rolling method, you can see on YouTube). Fry kebabs with margarine/cooking oil.

Gulung kulit kebab dengan cara melipat bagian bawah terlebih dahulu lalu gulung secara horizontal (atau terserah mau pakai cara menggulung yang lain, kalian bisa lihat di YouTube). Goreng kebab dengan margarin/minyak goreng.


About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch many movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

In Italy in the last years kebab went really a popular food I did a post about a good kebab shop, some days ago, I truly love kebab and kebab your style looks yummi

Thank you very much... kebab is delicious


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