That is so interesting yes. Bread, the most basic version of it, flour water yeast salt, seems to be a universal thing. Wait, even without the yeast. It seems common to us all in every tradition to grind down some form of seed/grain and make a bread from it. I have always seen bread as basically one type of dough with variables in water and salt and oils (and other things of course). The difference, for example, between ciabatta and a "normal loaf" is basically just the hydration levels and the shaping technique.
It is so interesting to read about the different cultural influences. Our influences in South Africa are a bit more complicated but it made for some awesome dishes!
That is so true, most people today still eat very traditional food. But the shift is turning back towards homemade food, I think. At least where I live prices have increased so much on basic food sources that even fast food chains are getting expensive.
I hope for the day when cooking food becomes part of society or family norms again; food has played such an important role in our lives, like you said, and we are systematically relegating it to big corporate that does not have our best interest and health in mind.