World brain tumour day is observed on 8th of June every year since 2000. This day first observed by German Brain Tumour Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.). This is a non-profit organisation which raises public awareness and educates people about brain tumour. Malignant brain tumour is very common in Germany as more than 8,000 people suffer from these diseases only in Germany. More than 500 new cases are diagnosed with brain tumour everyday worldwide. Source
Statistics suggests that overall cases are mostly from Germany.
The incidence and prevalence of brain tumour is growing in India. According to a study on childhood cancer, brain tumour is commonest in girls and even in both sexes in adults although there is some variation amongst states. Source
Government of India has introduced National Cancer Control Programme with the objectives of prevention, screening, early detection, diagnosis and treatment including palliative care in end stage. Source
According to the data available by Government of india, girls are at high risk of danger getting the brain tumour. But this depends on person to person. Also many factors involved in this.
I'm sharing this article not just to spread awareness about Brain Tumours but also for sharing the natural foods that are effective over this disease. Just be with me.
History of World Brain Tumour Day:
June 8 had been celebrated as World Brain Tumour Day all over the world, since the last 20 years. This day was first named and organized by the German Brain Tumor Association in Germany. This is the Only Organization all over world which is responsible for making people aware and educated them more about the brain tumours.
There are some of the healthy food which are helpful for keeping your brain healthy and strong:
As our elders told us like You forgot something then you must eay walnuts. It is commy sense. Walnuts also seems like your brain and the food which seems similar to any of our body part then it is meant like this in Nature because it is meant curing that body part and making it better. Walnuts often considered as very good for our brain and brain cells. It contains manganese, Vitamin-E, copper and many other nutrients which is the requirements of our body. If we kept walnuts in our diet it help us to keep our brain healthy and helps in improving it's functionalities.
Fresh Green-Leafy Vegetables:
Eating Vegetables was always beneficial for our health but among them the Leafy and Green Vegetables are always considered the most prominent when there is some thought arise on health. There are so many green-leafy veggies are there such as spinach, coriander, broccoli etc which I advised you to surely add them up in your diet. They contain most of the elements like lutein, beta carotene, Vitamin-K, folate etc which helos our brain to become healthy as well as strong.
Indian Gooseberry:
Gooseberries are often small berries which are considered as very nutritious fruits that offers us so many health benefits. It is full of Antioxidants which helps it in strengthening our brain cells and making our mind sharp. It is very beneficial if we take juice out of berries and drink it atleast twice a day after a meal. Feeding it continuously show you some benefits will come within 2-3 weeks.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin is a vegetable. It's seeds are eaten at many places. People like to eat roasted pumpkin seeds. They are very rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that's why pumpkin is considered as incredibly healthy. It us used for losing weight. Its undoubtedly nutrients and full of antioxidants helps to boost your immune system, it also helps to improve your eyesight, lowers the risk of certain cancers also helps to rid-off from tumours like brain tumour. We can keep our brain healthy by daily consuming of pumpkin seeds. The zinc-content present in it helps us in sharpening our brain and boosts our memory.