Hello, Foodies! Welcome to our curation report posts supported by @ocd.
We focus on supporting original food-related content, be it photos or texts. Undervalued posts, as well as users who enjoy making engagement with other users in the Foodies Bee Hive community.
We will not curate users who only make posts in this community, then never visit other people's posts and never make comments.
We hope the Foodies Bee Hive community grows even bigger with food content from all over the country. We share each other's culture through delicious and authentic foods.
Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!
This Week's Curation Selections
Post #1
Post #2
[ESP-ENG] Delicioso majarete de coco con sabor venezolano // Delicious coconut majarete with Venezuelan flavor
by @franciscana23.
Post #3
Fanurópita, un postre griego para las fiestas de fin de año / Fanuropita, a Greek dessert for the end of the year holidays
by @ioanna-m.
Post #7
Receta navideña: Deliciosa ensalada de pechuga de pollo con vegetales | Holiday Recipe: Delicious Chicken Breast Salad with Vegetables
by @derppunk.
Post #10
My Recipe for Baked Pork Legs.//Mi Receta de Pernil de Cerdo Horneado. [ENG/ESP]
by @blanca56.
Post #11
Post #13
Post #16
Post #17
Preparando unas exquisitas hallacas Venezolanas para degustar el fin de año. Tutorial || Preparing exquisite Venezuelan hallacas to enjoy at the end of the year. Tutorial
by @mariela53.
Post #18
[ESP-ENG] Cómo preparar pan de jamón venezolano receta casera|How to prepare Venezuelan ham bread homemade recipe
by @mariperez316.
Post #19
by @linita.
Post #21
[ESP-ING] Ponche de crema sin huevo. Delicioso fácil y rápido. | Egg free cream punch. Delicious, quick and easy.
by @mavis16.
Post #22
Delicious Homemade Chocolate Quesillo // Delicioso Quesillo de Chocolate Casero (Esp/Eng)
by @daysiselena.
Post #23
by @mariakekin.
Post #25
Post #26
[Esp / Eng] Preparing a delicious parchita biscocho, with a touch of Christmas flavor to say goodbye to the year.
by @drhueso.
Post #27
(ESP/ENG)Cómo realizar un postre delicioso venezolano, el dulce de jobo navideño / (EN/ENG)How to make a delicious Venezuelan dessert, Christmas jobo candy
by @leidys01.
Post #28
[ESP-ENG] Te enseño paso a paso a hacer una deliciosa Leche de Burra: Bebida Tradicional Venezolana // I show you step by step how to make a delicious Donkey Milk: Traditional Venezuelan Drink
by @franciscana23.
Post #31
[ESP ENG] Mí Primera Receta del año “Revuelto de Pollo”.// My first recipe of the year "Scrambled Chicken "
by @alfrednoyed.
Post #32
Preparación de Pan de Jamón para Despedir el Año./Preparation of Ham Bread to bid farewell to the year.
by @dorada.
Post #33
[ESP/ENG] Deliciosos Cupcakes con Avellanas, Nueces, Almendras, Pasas, Leche de Almendras y Licor. || Delicious Cupcakes with Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Raisins, Almond Milk and Liquor.
by @magdasierra.
Post #34
Post #37
Post #38
Post #40
(Eng/Esp)Starting 2022 with the reheated hallaca recipe /Comenzando el 2022 con el recalentado de hallaca receta
by @fotomaglys.
Post #42
A nutritious and healthy lunch: Zucchini, chicken and yucca salad//Un almuerzo nutritivo y saludable: Ensalada de calabacín, pollo y yuca [Esp-Eng]
by @indelvalle65.
Post #43
Post #44
Post #45
#FoodieMood (ES-ENG) - ¡Sushi después de mucho tiempo! - Sushi & Cebiches (Opinión) / #FoodieMood (ES-ENG) - Sushi after a long time! - Sushi & Cebiches (Opinion)
by @eugelys.
Post #46
by @josief27.
Post #47
Post #48
[ESP-ENG] Torta de Galletas Cubierta con Chocolate // Chocolate Covered Cookie Cake
by @maria75.
Post #49
Post #50
Post #51
La Torta Melosa que preparé para recibir el Año Nuevo / The Melosa Cake I made to ring in the New Year
by @ioanna-m.
Post #52
Post #53
(ESP-ENG) Pernil de cerdo horneado en salsa navideña // Pork tenderloin baked in christmas sauce
by @mcookies.
Post #54
HALLACAS VENEZOLANAS, un símbolo navideño /Venezuelan Hallacas, a Christmas symbol. [ESP- ENG]
by @g2ml.
Post #55
ENG/ESP Rich cake with chocolate cover. Rica torta con cubierta de chocolate.
by @angdavid21.
Post #58
Pollo al horno de piedra abierto. Técnica mixta / Open stone baked chicken. Mixed technique
by @saulos.
Post #62
Post #63
Post #65
Quesillo de café, receta de mamá Carmen | Coffee quesillo, Mama Carmen's recipe (ESP/ENG)
by @soyalex.
Post #67
Chitau pitha - Rice Pancake native to my place
by @sanjeevm.
Post #69
A wholesome healthy and homemade dish made with vegetables, rice, and chicken. As Drink: Iced green tea with lemon. ENG/ES. Un plato sano, saludable y casero elaborado con vegetales, arroz y pollo. Como bebida: Té verde frío con limón.
by @cesarj21.
Gracias por su apoyo 😊
Gracias a tí por publicar en Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Hola amiga estaba de viaje resolviendo problema familiar, pero ya estoy de regreso ... queria preguntar que si hay concurso esta semana ? ....estoy buscando pero no veo nada...gracias...
Saludos @leidys01, sí hay concurso en Foodies Bee Hive esta semana. En lo que convoquemos lo verás anclado.
ok gracias voy a estar pendiente
Thank you 🥰. @foodiescuration
You're welcome, @luckylaica!
Thank you~☺
You're welcome, @sweetest!
Muchísimas gracias amigos por todo el apoyo brindado. Son una gran comunidad, Dios los bendiga grandemente 🙏.
Gracias por tus buenos deseos @angdavid21, y gracias por publicar en Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos y venturoso año 2022.
Gracias por el apoyo, disfruto mucho cocinar y poder llevar mis recetas a los demás, me encanta la oportunidad que nos brinda una comunidad tan grandiosa donde también he aprendido mucho.
Mil gracias por el apoyo recibido de esta gran comunidad, disfruto compartir con ustedes mis platos. Saludos
Saludos @drhueso, para nosotros es un gusto curar tus posts, que siempre son geniales. Saludos.
Muchas gracias por este comentario, me alegra mucho que te gusten. Un abrazo😀
I get so hungry every time I visit the curation post and the community. Thanks for the support, and congrats to everyone who made to this selection ❤
Hahahaha, that makes two of us. I have to eat something before I do the community healing, otherwise, I'm hallucinating, it's really hungry. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, your post is also very good. Greetings.
Thank you so much for the support, God bless you 🥰🤗
You're welcome @mistural. Thanks, God bless you too. Greetings.
Gracias por el apoyo!! 👍🏻😊🤗🤗
¡A la orden! Gracias por publicar en Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Thanks so much for the support!
You're welcome @ioanna-m!
Thank you very much for your support.
Muchas gracias por su apoyo.
You're welcome @edimar09!
Hello. Thank you for your support.
You're welcome @ujka-vs!
Thank you once again
Thanks so much @foodiescuration for mentioning me and thanks your your great support and give me an encourage to continuous posting. 😀🌸🙏💗
Your posts are of a very high quality, your recipes are very good. Thanks for posting on Foodies Bee Hive. Regards.
okay...now I'm hungry!! What an amazing collection of international foods to try!
Hahahahaha, me too! Greetings!
Está publicación me encantó, espero ver un día uno de mi post en esta lista
Pues, publica una buena receta y de seguro a futuro estarás en la compilación Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Nice & tasty collection up there! 😋😋Thank you for your support, @foodiescuration ❤️
Thanks to you for posting on Foodies Bee Hive. Regards.
My pleasure. Always happy for posting and reading posts on Foodies Bee Hive community. Regards.
Gracias por el apoyo, su comunidad es lo máximo... me motivan a seguir publicando, besos.
Gracias a tí por publicar en Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
I am happy to be part here.OMYGosh! Looking at all those food stuff reminds me of my province. Congrats @everyone on Foodies Bee Hive Community.
It's good that it brings back good memories. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Best regards.
Felicidades a los seleccionados están muy buenas todas las publicaciones.
Gracias por pasar a leer y comentar. Todas las recetas y reseñas gastronómicas son muy buenas. Saludos.
I'm glad to be here officially. I hope to get more comfortable cooking with y'all 😊
Hi, we will wait for your posts, for sure you have delicious recipes to share with everyone. Greetings.