Hello, Foodies! Welcome to our curation report posts supported by @ocd.
We focus on supporting original food-related content, be it photos or texts. Undervalued posts, as well as users who enjoy making engagement with other users in the Foodies Bee Hive community.
We hope the Foodies Bee Hive community grows even bigger with food content from all over the country. We share each other's culture through delicious and authentic foods.
Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!
This Week's Curation Selections
Post #2
[ENG-ESP] Reusing and transforming a filling into bolognese sauce // Reutilizando y transformando un relleno en salsa bolognesa
by @heypuch.
Post #4
(ESP-ENG)Muslos de pollo a la naranja con vegetales // Orange chicken thighs with vegetables
by @mcookies.
Post #5
Post #7
[ESP-ENG] Torta de Zanahoria con Frosting de Queso / Carrot Cake with Cheese Frosting
by @clamarin.
Post #10
[ESP/ENG] Panes aliñados rellenos de queso. Cocidos a la plancha. Una delicia para cualquier hora del día. 😋
by @kerwinjz.
Post #11
Oven roasted cauliflower - Coliflor asada al horno - Карфиол на фурна {EN}~{ES}~{BG}
by @snedeva.
Post #12
ENG/ ESP Potato croquettes, a good appetizer. Croquetas de papas, un buen aperitivo.
by @angdavid21.
Post #15
[Esp/Eng] Delicioso Pan de queso, jamón y pasas
by @beast855.
Post #16
Recipe for delicious overflowing fried chicken steak /Receta de delicioso filete de pollo frito rebosado (Ing/Esp)
by @fotomaglys.
Post #17
[ENG-ESP] Delicioso y nutritivo menestron de frijol blanco-Receta de cocina/Delicious and nutritious white bean menestrone-Cooking Recipe
by @giocondina.
Post #18
Post #19
Sunday lunch: Fried chicken and yucca with grated salad | Almuerzo de domingo: Pollo y yuca fritos junto a ensalada rallada
by @giovannimario.
Post #21
Post #25
Post #26
[Esp/Eng] Arroz chino, pollo frito y lumpias, un almuerzo en familia fuera de casa / Chinese rice, fried chicken and lumpias, a family lunch away from home.
by @dayanaromer.
Post #27
Post #28
Post #29
Goulash Húngaro / Hungarian Goulash [ESP/ENG]
by @chaodietas.
Post #30
Tenders de pollo muy crujientes ¡Hechos en casa!🍗| | Very crispy chicken tenders Homemade 🍗
by @rosangeladiazher.
Post #31
Comforting and Delicious Chicken Soup. ENG-ESP
by @doriangel.
Post #32
Reseña gastronómica: Baguette's Coffee & Lunch || Gastronomic review: Baguette's Coffee & Lunch
by @alvaradofran.
Post #34
Carrot Cake Bathed in Chocolate Cream/Torta de Zanahoria Bañada en Crema de Chocolate
by @mariela-b.
Post #38
Cookie Recipe for Babies with Allergies(Eng/Tr)
by @appiades.
Post #39
Atol de guayabas, Cremoso y nutritivo!//guava atole, Creamy and nutritious!
by @carfelicia.
Post #42
(ESP-ENG) Deliciosas lentejas con huesito ahumado, acompañada de pollo, arroz y plátano // Delicious lentils with smoked bacon, served with chicken, rice and banana.
by @mcookies.
Post #43
Post #44
Himalayan Khukura and Jeera Rice - Nepali Chicken Curry and (slightly) Sweet Cumin Rice 🇳🇵
by @shinecrystalline.
Post #45
Homemade Moi-Moi (Beans Pudding) Recipe - First Day Of The Month Breakfast Treat
by @mistural.
Post #46
Delicious potato pie and bonus:) (Смачний картопляний пиріг і не тільки, EN-UA).
by @uliana61.
Post #47
[ENG-ESP] Exquisito brownie de chocolate-Tutorial/Exquisite chocolate brownie-Tutorial
by @giocondina.
Post #48
[ESP/ENG] Receta: Delicioso Postre frío de avena y yogurt. Decorado con galletas y fresas. 😋
by @kerwinjz.
Post #49
[Esp-Eng]-Arroz con Pollo, Zanahorias y Salchichas // Rice with Chicken, Carrots and Sausages
by @floreudys79.
Muchas gracias por el apoyo @foodiescuration
Gracias a tí por ser una Foodies tan constante @yiobri.
Desteğiniz için teşekkürler 🙏☺️
Foodies Bee Hive'a gönderdiğiniz için teşekkürler.
Thank you for the support @foodiescuration and @ocd!
Thanks to you for posting in Foodies Bee Hive. Greetings!
Thank you also @sirenahippie for your constant support. Keep safe!
Thanks @kellyane!
Muchas gracias amigos de @foodiescuration por todo su apoyo. Bendiciones
Gracias por elegir a nuestra comunidad para publicar tus posts. Saludos.
Thank you very much ❤️🙏🏼
You're welcome @appiades!
Thank you so much for support 🙏🤗
Thanks to you for posting in Foodies Bee Hive. Greetings!
Thank you very much @ocd and @foodiescuration. 🥰
Thanks to you for yours excelents posts. Greetings!
Thank you for your support Madame 🥰.
Thank you for your support!
You're welcome @devyswan1!
Muchas gracias por el apoyo 🙌 tienen una gran comunidad!
Nuestra comunidad es una realidad gracias a buenos Foodies como tú @rosangeladiazher. Gracias por elegir a Foodies Bee Hive. Saludos.
Mil gracias a todo el equipo de @foodiesunite por su excelente trabajo y por el apoyo siempre 🤗
Tratamos de apoyar siempre a los buenos posts como los tuyos. Gracias por elegir a nuestra comunidad. Saludos.
Saludos @sirenahippie ☺️☺️
Gracias, igualmente!
Thank you very much for your support 🤗
Thanks to yout Ms. @mireyaromero, for posting in Foodies Bee Hive. Greetings!
thankyou very much for support :)
You're welcome @michelledina. Greetings!
Thank you very much for the support and appreciation!
You're welcome @calisto24! Greetings!
Gracias ☺
A la orden @snedeva, saludos.
Many thanks to the team of curators for giving us a boost in the community, especially thanks to @sirenahippie who took the trouble to read and comment on my post with suggestions for both my account and the community to grow ♥
Thanks for your support!!!
OMG! I'm salivating already at the sight of these awesome delicacies. I love what I see here. Please keep it up. This is my community 😊
This looks like an afritada
Felicidades a todos por su gran logro 👍🥰