Hello, Foodies! Welcome to our curation report posts supported by @ocd.
We focus on supporting original food-related content, be it photos or texts. Undervalued posts, as well as users who enjoy making engagement with other users in the Foodies Bee Hive community.
We will not curate users who only make posts in this community, then never visit other people's posts and never make comments.
We hope the Foodies Bee Hive community grows even bigger with food content from all over the country. We share each other's culture through delicious and authentic foods.
Keep up the great work for your chance to be in the next round of curation!
This Week's Curation Selections
Post #1
[Esp-Eng] Prepara facil una rica carne mechada // Easily prepare a rich shredded meat
by @floreudys79.
Post #3
Post #4
(ESP-ENG) Chuletas de cerdo con vegetales al horno/ Baked Vegetable Pork Chops
by @mcookies.
Post #5
[ESP/ING] cuajo líquido instantáneo 100% Artesanal para fabricar Queso de Cabra.
by @miky2409.
Post #6
FoodiesBeeHive Restaurant Blog #1 | Can You Eat All? (Eat All You Can) at Miss Korea Barbeque, Amsterdam
by @fernwehninja.
Post #7
Post #8
Post #9
Post #10
Delicioso almuerzo. Bistec en salsa con alcaparras acompañado de arroz y tajadas de plátano frito. || Delicious lunch. Steak in sauce with capers accompanied by rice and fried banana slices.
by @beysyd.
Post #11
Post #12
Trying Lunch Box Simple Form Brand Box and Co
by @nnurdiani.
Post #13
#FoodieMood (ES-ENG) - Comida árabe entre Hivers - Restaurante Amir Palace (Opinión) / #FoodieMood (ES-ENG) - Arabian food with Hivers - Amir Palace Restaurant (Review)
by @eugelys.
Post #14
ENG/ ESP Butter bread with mozzarella cheese gratin. Pan de mantequilla con queso mozzarella gratinado
by @angdavid21.
Post #15
Como preparar unas deliciosas y crujientes crepas rellenas de queso | How to prepare delicious and crunchy crepes stuffed with cheese
by @derppunk.
Post #16
[ESP-ENG] Deliciosa Torta de Parchita (maracuyá) // Delicious Parchita Cake (passion fruit)
by @maria75.
Post #17
[ESP/ENG] Receta: Galletas marmoleadas riquísimas, rellenas y cubiertas con merengue francés, fresas y chocolate. 😋
by @kerwinjz.
Post #18
Post #19
Post #20
[ESP-ENG] Un Suculento sabroso y muy venezolano guiso de hallacas | A succulent tasty and very Venezuelan Hallacas stew
by @mariperez316.
Post #21
[ESP-ENG] Delicioso arroz sofrito con pasta y zanahoria // Delicious stir-fried rice with pasta and carrots
by @franciscana23.
Post #23
[ESP-ENG] Deliciosa y Nutritiva Merengada de Cambur Manzano🍌/Delicious and Nutritious Meringue from Cambur Manzano🍌
by @alexanderodulfo.
Post #24
(ESP-ENG)Crujientes aros de papa rellenos de queso//Crunchy potato rings stuffed with cheese
by @genesishernandez.
Post #28
Post #31
by @eulymer.
Post #32
Steamed potatoes, chicken, salad and avocado, a very healthy lunch/Papas al vapor, pollo, ensalada y aguacate, un almuerzo muy saludable[Esp-Eng]
by @indelvalle65.
Post #34
Post #35
[ESP/ENG] Canastillas semidulces de avena, rellenas de jamón cocido y queso. Una merienda rápida y deliciosa. 😋
by @kerwinjz.
Post #36
Post #41
[ESP/ENG] Torta de Piña – Dulzura Tropical para Mi Cumpleaños. ||Pineapple Cake - Tropical Sweetness for My Birthday.
by @magdasierra.
Post #42
[ESP ENG] Filetes de Entrecanto con Cebolla Caramelizada con Miel. Una Delicia 😋// Entrecanto Fillets with Caramelized Onions with Honey. A delight 😋
by @alfrednoyed.
Post #44
My Delicious Lunch Today: Pasta with stewed shredded fish and fried banana. || [ESP / ENG]
by @delvallecedeno.
Post #45
Post #46
Post #47
by @nadin-zakrevska.
Post #50
(ESPN- ENG) Turròn de Manì Navideño// Christmas Peanut Nougat Christmas Peanut Nougat
by @fabiana01.
Post #51
"Japanese-Style Pescetarian, Rice Noodles 和風ペスカタリアン・ライスヌードル" [English and Japanese]
by @koto-art.
Post #53
Caraotas soup with rice, avocado salad and fried egg. A complete and nutritious lunch. (ENG-ESP)
by @doriangel.
Post #54
[ESP - ENG] Deliciosa Pasta a la Carbonara para Compartir en Familia. ❤️ 🍛 Delicious Pasta Carbonara to share with the family.
by @belkyscabrera.
Post #55
[ESP-ENG] Cremoso y tradicional Ponche Crema Venezolano // Creamy and traditional Venezuelan Cream Ponche
by @franciscana23.
Post #56
ENG/ ESP Chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce. Alitas de pollo en salsa agridulce.
by @angdavid21.
Post #57
Asian Glass Noodles with Chicken and Ginger / Азиатски стъклени нудли с пилешко и джинджифил [EN/BG]
by @mariya36.
Wow! This is such an honor. Thank you so much, @foodiescuration! This is a wonderful Christmas gift.
Your post is very good, then it deserves to be in this compilation. Thanks for posting on Foodies Bee Hive - Merry Christmas to you too!
Gracias gracias a foodies, ocd y a todos los curadores por su gran apoyo y reconocimiento. Ojalá supieran todas las cosas tan grandiosas que logramos nosotros los creadores de contenido gracias a su excelente trabajo. 😊
Y a nosotros, los curadores, nos encanta leer buenos post, auténticos, originales y hechos con cariño por ustedes, los Foodies. Gracias por publicar en Foodies Bee Hive. Felices Fiestas y venturoso 2022.
Muchas gracias. Feliz navidad y feliz año nuevo 2022. Que Dios los colme de bendiciones. 😊
Thank you!
You're welcom @nadin-zakrevska!
Thank you very much @foodiescuration
You're welcome @afterglow!
Thank you for your support, it is always an honor and a pleasure to be among your lists. Wishing the community team had a beautiful and tasty Christmas, love to the whole community. 😊
Thank you for posting in our community. Happy holidays and happy new year 2022. Best regards.
Thanks for mentioned me and also give me a great support 🙏❤️🙇 and I'm so glad to be surrounded with an excellent creator. 🌸💗🎀
Your post is excellent and the rest of the Foodies mentioned in this compilation as well. Thanks for choosing Foodies Bee Hive for your posts.
Happy holidays and happy new year 2022. Greetings.
Thank you so much @foodiescuration! ☺️ Happy holiday everyone.
You're welcome! Thanks, the same for you, and happy new year 2022. Greetings!
Muchas gracias por el apoyo, bendiciones para todos.
Thank you so much.
Felicitaciones a todos los cocineros.
Thank Foodie bee here. I've learned a lot of delicious dishes from here.