Good morning @contrerasmaria. Sardines are undoubtedly a very nutritious and versatile food. I would have liked to see a better development of your post, I feel that it is incomplete, it lacks photographs that show the whole development of the recipe. Keep this in mind for future publications.
I would also like to know your other social networks, we are checking the community accounts. Thank you.
Hola. Buenas tardes.
Entiendo. Muchas gracias por la acotación. Trabajaré en ello.
Tengo Instagram y Facebook. El Facebook tengo mucho tiempo que no lo uso. Por eso no lo coloque.
Please your user in that social networks (Facebook, Instagram), and please, read this posts:
Instagram: @mariacontreras.mc94
Facebook: María Contreras.
Gracias por las publicaciones. Me sirven de guía.