A balanced diet

Hello every one Our daily diet is very important because through it we can provide our body with all the essential nutrients that are necessary for good health. Which give us the ability to fight diseases and improve physical performance as well as provide attractive looks.

A balanced diet not only improves the immune system, but also reflects the best of our external personality. A good diet also affects our skin, hair and body. Nutritionists emphasize that only a balanced diet can provide the body with adequate amounts of essential nutrients, and by a balanced diet they mean such a diet.

Which has a high level of nutritional potential. Which is free of extra calories and cooked in a way that preserves its nutrients and does not upset the digestive system.

Raw and fresh foods, foods that have been simply cooked, not ground or processed, are considered natural foods. While ground or processe

foods and foods with spicy spices cooked in more ghee or oil are not natural foods. They are high in calories and low in nutrients because many of the natural nutrients are lost during processing, refining and cooking. Such foods have negative effects on the skin and hair as well as harming the health.