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RE: Recipe for deviled eggs, for those who would like to make some.

Actually it's a laser scan that picks up any reflections such as camera lenses or in the case of a sniper that big huge 50 mm objective lens stands out like a radar dish.

Sound is all good. Up until it rains.

However having extra tactics and knowledge is important!

As well as having enough food to be able to outlast the starvation that's going to come.

Yep hopefully here soon me and puppy dog can get going on our projects.


A laser will have trouble with a quality scope. The lenses in a good scope are polarized and coated...very little reflections. The simple expedient of using blade sights, will defeat this toy. I do practice with blade sights, in fact some of my best firearms have no scopes.

Each firearm has a signature sound pattern, so it will identify type too. The other part, I can't publish, because if they understood; they would misuse the information!

Growing more than we eat is important, because only then are we really self sufficient! They plan to use starvation as a political tool, to control those who survive their policies.

I'm pulling for both you guys to be safe on the reservation!


I am definitely working really hard on getting a little bit of land on the reservation so that I can start putting in infrastructure for me and puppy dog to have off-grid capability.


Definitely quite a new change of pace if I was to move out there however at least I have cell phone internet coverage.

However that comes with a price because I can't get wired internet out at the family property.

Well I'm just going to have to keep working saving growing and having way too much fun.

Really can't wait to start trying out this play to earn first person shooter video game! @psyberx as well as of course getting a laptop so I have portable technology.

Yep we'll see what all happens.

I'll be happy to help on the energy production when you get out there! Internet access will be questionable, because they will use it like food for control. The AI censorship is the first step moving down that road!

I hope we both have enough time left to get moved off grid. Inverters are becoming hard to come by, better buy them first!

A good laptop is wise for remote use. They aren't expandible, but they are easier to use off grid. If you run 24 volt battery there, you can use a DC to DC converter to charge the laptop directly.

Keep safe and free!


Great advice! Thanks!

And yeah I've got another opportunity for survival!

Let's not just survive...but thrive! That'll piss them off, LOL! 👍💗🤠

The best revenge is always being extremely successful!

Especially if they can't find you....

THAT is a Goal!
