One of the things that brings me no small amount of joy is baking things for others, especially my friends and family. Yesterday, we had a birthday party for one of our game night buds, and as their favorite thing ever is berry pie, I volunteered to make the celebratory pastry for the evening.
Now here's the thing, we are sorta in between berry seasons right now, so I decided to go hunting through my freezer and craft something out of what I had.
Hence, the Strueberry Pie!
That's right, I had some strawberries and a lot of blueberries, so I thought a mash up was in order!

The first order of business though was to craft some pie crust, which I did using vegetable shortening because one of our crew is allergic to dairy. Pie crust is pretty simple and inexpensive to make, but if you are short on time I would never judge anyone for buying ready made piecrust!
After dividing my crust into two discs and popping them into the fridge for a bit of a chill, I got down to bidness on the filling.
To start with, I measured out the strawberries and blueberries and plunked them in a stock pot. Now right now I have about six billion things going on, so this recipe needed to be a get it done from start to finish without a bunch of fuss sort of scenario, which means I did not thaw the berries, I threw them right into the pot in their frozen state.
Next, I added a little lemon juice and gave it all a stir.
In a separate bowl I measured out some sugar and a respectable amount of cornstarch and whisked together before adding it to the fruit. Then I turned the stove on med-low, plopped a lid on the pan, and let it all do a simmer meld for about fifteen minutes.
After the fruit had bubbled a bit and released some moisture, I turned the burner up to medium-high for a bit (about five minutes). Halfway through the bubbling brew process I saw that the moisture content was just not where I wanted it (blueberries have way less moisture than strawberries) so I added a bit of water (noted in the recipe) and gave it all a bit of a stir.
Now, I don't like massive chunks of fruit in my pies, so while I was doing the boil hard part of the recipe I used my great grandma's potato smasher and gave everything a bit of smash.
The filling turned out lovely. A purple plethora of berry flavor and visual gloriousness!
Then I got to rolling....the pie dough out. I use two sheets of parchment paper for that job. Also, I am no pie-ologist, in fact I'll admit, I am pretty horrid at rolling out and putting together pies. I mean, I am getting better at it, it's just not my forte. Flavor, texture, and taste are my thing. Aesthetics I am working on.
Disclaimer delivered, you can see just how below par my lattice strips and weaving technique are, plus my pie crust was being mean to me due to the heat and was coming apart at random intervals.
But...I got er' done, and honestly, I was pretty proud with how it turned out!
Now here's the sad part of this tale. Not only was yesterday a full day of all sorts of farming, pie baking, and a birthday party, but I was also my dear friend's date to her annual company picnic at Stateline Speedway.
So, what this means is that I didn't get a picture of the pie in its finished glory. It truly was a beautiful, golden brown beauty, and even more important than that, the pastry tasted amazing. Like seriously, we devoured that pie with scoops of vanilla bean ice cream on top in minutes.
So the pie was a win, but the Kat blogger sorta failed in regards of documentation.
But please, don't let my oversight stop you from trying this pie recipe because it really was easy to whip up and the combo of blueberries and strawberries baked in a flaky crust was pretty dang divine!
At least my gaming pack thought so!

Strueberry Pie
2 cups frozen strawberries
4 cups frozen blueberries
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2-1 cup of water1 double pie crust
Mix frozen berries and lemon juice together in a pot. In a mixing bowl whisk cornstarch and sugar together. Add to berries and stir.
Turn stove on medium-low heat and cover pan. Let meld for fifteen minutes.
Then, turn stove up to med-high and bring to a boil. Boil five minutes while stirring constantly. During this time I add at least 1/2 cup of water as the mixture stirs to get the consistency of filling I want. You may need up to a cup of water.
Take berry filling off of stove and set aside to cool a bit. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Roll out pie crust and line pie plate with one crust. Add filling.
Roll out second pie crust and cut into strips for a lattice top. If you don't know how to lattice there are some super awesome tutorials on the web, just search for how to lattice a pie crust!
I brushed an egg wash (1 egg and 1 TBSP of water whisked together) on the top of my crust for a golden brown pie looks awesome reasons. I know everyone has their own way of finishing a pie, that's just what I did in this recipe.
Place strips of foil around the edges and place pie in preheated oven for 35-40 minutes, rotating the pie about halfway through baking time and removing the aluminum foil strips ten minutes before the timer is done.
Let cool, slice, serve, and enjoy!

Love pie, especially apple and peach. Always loved the lattice look of crusts. I like your minimum ingredients.
Thanks for sharing.
Read from LN
Thank you so much! And I am all about keeping it minimized, well, on occasion I'll go big, but most of the time less is definitely more lol!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I thought that pie looked and tasted just fine.
Thanks JT😊
Nice! Getting your grill on!
I'm sitting under a canopy in my yard running a distillation unit while I work on my blog stuff because this year's lavender crop is a beast lol! I'd love a burger pretty, pretty please!!
Nice. Your busy .
Ya having a relax day for a change 😀
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I think we can all imagine how good it looked when being baked!
I don't like these types of fillings myself, BUT I will dedicate my time soon to make something similar for the boyfriend as well as the daughter to convince her that "peach jam" is really nice :P lol
She drinks "zumo de melocotón" a lot, but yet doesn't want to try the jam version on her bread. It's a true nightmare lol. This may help her try it :)
Thanks for sharing dear!
LOL! Ahh, children are so much fun! I like the pie filling approach, I hope you get some good results with that 😆
And I am actually a lot like you in regards to fillings, when it comes to pie I prefer savory fillings or things like cheesecake and chocolate instead of fruit pies, but all the Hawaiians I live with are mad about fruit everything so I have gotten a lot of practice over the years lol!
Thanks for dropping in. I'm always happy to see your name pop up!
The last pie I baked was supposed to have a lattice crust, but I ran out of ambition and didn't bother. But it does give a pie a bit of glamour. Yours looks great!
Oh thank you so much! Honestly, I think my problem is once I get to the end of the pie making process I just don't care anymore and want it done cause I have three hundred other things to do lol! Lack of ambition for the win!
Looks delicious, my dear...
Very glad to come calling and find that you seem to be continuing to do very well here.

I HAVE MISSED YOU! I'm so glad you came calling and hope all is well down your way! I'm currently sitting under a canopy in my yard distilling lavender oil in my homemade still and would definitely rather be catching some waves with my favorite surfer pal! (It's HOT today lol!)
Thanks so much for dropping by😊
I've missed you too, Sweetie; my own dang fault!
Generally got too preoccupied with the global nonsense going on over the last couple of years, as well as getting tied up with some painfully unavoidable projects... <- that one being the worst, but (eventually, God willing) I'll write about a more recent, very necessary, and more enjoyable one!
Generally all is well down this way, though I rarely miss a chance to lament the tough spots...
Thanks for the good wishes... :D
And yes, one day let's for sure hit the waves together! That would make me mightily pleased. <3
That looks good with my coffee that I'm having right now :D Strueberry - that's witty :D I thought it was something else.
@curangel brought me here :)
Ooh, coffee and pie go together like peanut butter and jelly lol!
Thanks so much for stopping by😊
Right on! :D :D
I can imagine it tasted great, especially with the vanilla ice cream.That is an awesome berry combination, @generikat
Thanks @beststart😊
And, yes, the vanilla ice cream made it extra yum lol!
That is looking mighty tasty Kat.
I have a bunch of frozen blueberries in the fridge that were earmarked for smoothies... but I also have puff pastry, and my birthday is coming up soon.
Can i resist... the call... of the fruit pie!
It's a hard life 😆
A blueberry stuffed birthday puff pastry has a nice ring to it lol!
And you are so right, life is hard, hence heeding the call😉😆
Thanks for making my morning Raj!
You must have some psychic powers @generikat
Because, although I haven't made a blueberry pastry... I am currently enjoying a fruity flavoured gin creation of my own devising. With the king of berries in it, blueberries.
Check it out...
Blood orange and wild berry gin & tonic... but because I'm a big tough bloke I'm drinking it by the pint, that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it 🤣
Don't worry, I've plenty of blueberries left to make a pastry creation once the hangover recedes tomorrow, or maybe the day after 😏
Oh yum! That concoction looks so refreshing, I could totally use something like that as I sit out here in the 95F heat distilling lavender oil! LOL!
And I do so hope that you aren't nursing a hangover today, I mean, you are a tough, pint-tossing dude, so I feel like you bossed your liver into submission 😆
My liver has mutated I think... into some type of Hulk liver 🤣
or maybe I just need to calm down on the G+T's as that green colour doesn't bode well for the old liver 🤣
Nice recipe, addition of strawberries and blueberries results in a mouth watering pie.
Thanks so much @gratitudemine! I was super happy with the way it turned out!
Looks awesome, glad you gave it a bit of a smash, I hate big chunks of fruit in mine too!
Ah, a fellow fruit in its proper form connoisseur, excellent to hear that! lol!
I'm currently sitting in my yard running a homemade still, distilling lavender oil like some sort of crazy hippie bootlegger, but dang does it smell nice.
Hope you are having an awesome day good sir!😊
Hehe, that sounds simply magic! I can almost imagine the smell from here! Keep up the good work! :0)
I printed this recipe to give it a try. My favorite is strawberry-rhubarb pie but finding rhubarb in Alabama is next to impossible. Thanks for sharing.
Too bad you weren't up this way this spring, it was rhubarb overload up here! Hope you get a tasty fruit pie whipped up real soon!
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I have a pretty good imagination, so I could just see the finished pie in front of me.
It looked and smelled amazing! Haha, the bad pie crust being mean to you, at least you showed him, by eating him :)
I used to have exactly the same potato beater, also my grandma's. It's one of the things I had to leave behind, unfortunately, as I didn't want customs to ask me weird questions about bringing an odd-looking weapon on board of a plane, and there just won't ever be anything like it.
Anyway, I hope you're also getting a bit of rest after having a billion things to do. I know the struggle but a little self-love is necessary!