• 1 pechuga de pollo molida
• Ajo en polvo
• Cebolla en polvo
• Sal y pimienta
• Oregano
• Aceite
• Las especies que mas te gustan.
Para empanizar:
• Harina de trigo
• Queso parmesano.
Huevo batido.
• 1 ground chicken breast
• Garlic powder
• Onion powder
• Salt and pepper
• Oregano
• Oil
• The species that you like the most.
To bread:
• Wheat flour
• Parmesan.
I beaten egg.
PREPARATION: We add the ground chicken to a container and add the spices and the oil, this helps to incorporate the flavors.
When we go to assemble the nuggets we moisten our hands with oil so that it does not stick to us, then we pass it through the breader and the egg, we place it on a tray and we take them to the oven for 20 to 30 min, at 180 degrees Celsius until that are golden on both sides. They are delicious.
• Repollo
• Zanahoria
• Cebolla
• Celery
• Cilantro
• Tomate
• Limón
• Sal y oregano.
• Cabbage
• Carrot
• Onion
• Celery
• Cilantro
• Tomato
• Lemon
• Salt and oregano.
We proceed to chop our cabbage into thin strips followed by washing it with lemon and water to kill any bacteria it may contain.
We peel our carrot and proceed to grate it.
Then we chop the onion, tomato, celery and coriander.
![png 23.png](
We gather all the ingredients in a bowl and proceed to place lemon to taste, salt and oregano, I like people a lot with mayonnaise integrates the flavors.
![png 13.png](
![png 45.png](
And so is the plate at the end ....!
Espero les guste y que puedan hacerlo en su casa.
I hope you like it and that you can do it at home.
foto tomada por mi teléfono ZTE
photo taken by my ZTE phone
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