Cooking can be really really fun.. from time to time.
I love cooking. Well, let me clarify: I love cooking shows! :D I love watching some beautiful food being prepared. It acts as an ASMR for me, I relish watching how different ingredients combined can create something that LOOKS delicious - and after some encouragement and will power, when I start recreating the dish, I realise that it also TASTES delicious too!
Now don't get me wrong - I dont want to be too cocky, of course I am only recreating a partial representation of the dish that I watched as I am no pro - but still, cooking can provide a certain sense of.. serenity.
And having said that, today I am making meatballs for me and my mother!
Picture proof needed of course:
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Lol, good luck for presenting it before your mom. I hope she had liked them
congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency
I don’t really like to cook though because I’m very lazy, lol
You dish looks yummy
I believe in was a good venture. 😊