Meatballs in sauce for short pasta plumita [ENG]/[SPA]

in Foodies Bee Hive7 days ago

Meatballs in sauce for short pasta plumita [ENG]/[SPA]

Hello friends of the @foodiesbeehive community, I hope you are all in good health and that you had a happy weekend.

I find myself back with you again in this community, which I am pleased to be a part of.

Today I want to share with you readers friends, the preparation of some delicious meatballs for short pasta (plumita) I made for lunch.


My wife is always in charge of preparing the meals, but this time it was my turn to do it because she was busy and as you know I like to cook.

This recipe is very simple and quick to prepare, the ingredients are easy to find, I have learned these recipes from my wife who loves cooking.


250 grams of short pasta.
250 grams of ground beef.
1 large tomato.
1 celery branch.
4 cloves of garlic.
½ tablespoon of sugar.
½ tablespoon of cumin.
Salt, cumin, ground onoto and pepper to taste.
Cilantro, paprika, white onion, mustard, ketchup.



The preparation consisted of cutting the tomato and all the green seasonings in small squares, then I blended them, took them to the frying pan, added the mustard, onoto, oil and cumin.




I added salt, pepper, mustard, crushed garlic, kneaded and then made small balls, I got 16. I put them in an orderly manner in the sauce that was already boiling, I kept moving them constantly and let them cook for 25 minutes, I checked the salt, lowered and served with the pasta.






So far my recipe, I hope you like it, thanks for reading and commenting. I hope to meet you again in the next opportunity.




Images taken with Samsung Galaxy A12
Cover page made with Canva
Translator used: Deepl

Version en Español

Albóndigas en salsa para pasta corta plumita

Hola amigos de la comunidad de @foodiesbeehive, espero que todos se encuentren bien de salud y que hayan tenido un feliz fin de semana.

Me encuentro nuevamente con ustedes en esta comunidad, de la cual me siento complacido.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes amigos lectores, la preparacion de unas deliciosas albóndigas para pasta corta (plumita) que hice para el almuerzo.


Mi esposa siempre es la que se encarga de preparar las comidas, pero esta vez me correspondió a mi esta labor porque ella estaba ocupada y como ya saben me gusta cocinar.

Esta receta es muy sencilla y rápida de preparar, los ingredientes son fáciles de encontrar, estas recetas las he aprendido de mi esposa a quien le fascina la cocina.


250 gramos de pasta corta.
250 gramos de carne molida.
1 tomate grande.
1 rama de celery.
4 dientes de ajo.
½ cucharada de azúcar.
½ cucharada de comino.
Sal, comino, onoto molido y pimienta al gusto.
Cilantro, pimentón, cebolla blanca, mostaza, salsa ketchup.



La preparación consistió en cortar el tomate y todos los aliños verdes en cuadros pequeños, luego los licué, los lleve al sartén, agregué la mostaza, onoto, aceite y comino.




La carne molida le coloqué sal, pimienta, mostaza, los ajos triturados, amasé y luego fui haciendo pequeñas bolas, me salieron 16. Las coloqué en forma ordenada en la salsa que ya estaba hirviendo, las fui moviendo constantemente y las dejé cocinar por 25 minutos, revisé la sal, bajé y serví con la pasta.






Hasta aquí mi receta, espero que sea de su agrado, gracias por leer y comentar. Espero encontrarnos nuevamente pen una próxima oportunidad.




Imágenes tomadas con Samsung Galaxy A12
Portada elaborada con Canva
Traductor de texto utilizado: Deepl


Meatballs and pasta and a perfect combination. I really love meat in my pasta. That's a perfect snack to have with the family po. It looks really good ✨

Thank you very much for your apreciation @ruffatotmeee

looks so delicious, makes me drool🤤

Thanks @reachdreams for your comment.

You're welcome♥️

Looks so yummy and mouth watering food,your such a good husband for you also cook.i do admire husbands WHO DO ALSO cooking because not all husband would do it.Lots of husband would demand their wife to do.

Thank you @ronimarie82 I have always liked cooking and now I am improving thanks to my wife's lessons.

This meal looks so delicious and tasty.

Thanks for commenting