Reasons to avoid being overweight

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Always eat your food like your medicine to avoid eating your medicine as your food.
Healthy living starts with good diet. Balanced diet at all time is essential for a healthy living. Exercise on daily bases helps too.

Below are the bad sides of being overweight: and it begins with poor diet.

  1. It will make you hate your bodies. It will make you unnecessarily angry and you might project your anger on others.

  2. It will make you have low self esteem. Whenever you see people that are fit and athletic you lose confidence. Whenever you hear people talk about fitness you feel attacked.

  3. You will eat always because you would have become addicted to sugar. Your mouths will be forever busy.

  4. If you don't eat, you are grumpy and moody. You will also cause some close ones to begin eating like you in an attempt to be part of your gluttony. Cause them to be overweight in the process.

  5. You will have insulin resistance or prediabetes. These predispose you to endless illnesses like flu, migraine headaches and even hypertension. You will spend your time in the hospital corridors instead of spending your time building your business or career.

  6. You will have fertility problems if you are a female ranging from fibroids to PCOS.

  7. You will become a candidate for depression. Because you will think everyone doesn't like you because of your overweight.

You have to work on yourself by engaging in daily exercise and take the right diet. Most importantly avoid sugar by all means.