Cara membuat Lontong & Sate (Indonesian-English)

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Lontong adalah makanan khas Indonesia yg terbuat dr beras yg dibungkus dgn daun pisang atw pastik yg direbus hingga matang n padat.
krn aku ga pny daun pisang,akupun membuat'y pake plastik dgn ukuran 9×20cm.
yuuk kita intip cara membuat'y...
500gr beras putih
plastik secukup'y
tusuk sate / tusuk gigi
cara membuat:
1.cuci beras hingga bersih
2.Masukkan beras ke dlm plastik hingga 3/4 luas plastik,lakukan hingga beras habis
3 .Lalu tutup plastik dgn cara ditekuk ujung plastik bagian atas kira2 1cm lalu bakar dgn api dr lilin,lalukan hingga selesai.kemudian tusuk2 dgn tusuk sate atw tusuk gigi,lalukan pula hingga selesai
4.Siapkan panci yg sdh diisi air,masukan bungkusan beras tadi hingga terendam air
Kali ini aku merebus lontong dgn metode 5-30-7,pasti kalian sdh tau kan??
5.setelah air'y panas n mendidih rebus selama 5menit,matikan api dan diamkan selama 30menit,jgn membuka panci'y yaa
6.Chek,buka tutup panci,apabila air'y berkurang tambahkan air lagi hingga beras tsb terendam,tutup lagi panci'y
7.Masak kembali selama 7menit (di hitung dr air mendidih).
8.matikan api,jika sdh angkat dan diamkan hingga benar2 dingin,lalu potong2 sesuai selera dan siap utk disajikan...


kita intip lagi yuuk cara membuat sate'y;
-400gr Daging ayam bagian dada yg di fillet & dipotong dadu/ se ruas jari tangan
-tusuk sate
-200gr kacang tanah goreng,haluskan (bisa di blender atw ditumbuk ya,sesuai selera ajah)
-300 ml air
-6 siung bawang merah
-3 siung bawang putih
-3 buah cabe merah keriting
-50 gr gula merah sisir
-2 butir kemiri
-5 sdm kecap manis
-1 sdt garam
-5 sdm minyak untuk menumis
cara membuat bumbu kacang;
1.campurkan kacang tanah yg sdh ditumbuk dgn air aduk2 hingga rata
2.Haluskan bawang merah,bawang putih,kemiri,dan cabe
3.Siapkan wajan n panaskan minyak,tumis bumbu halus hingga harum kemudina tambahkanl gula merah sisir,masukkan kacamg tanah tadi aduk hingga merata,
4.Setelah mendidih tambahhkan garam n kecap manis
5.masak hingga bumbu kacang mengantal,cek rasa,matikan api.taro bumbu kacang di dlm mangkok.


Cara membuat sate ayam:
-Campurkan ayam yg sdh dipoting dadu dgn 2sdm minyak sayur n 2sdm kecap manis,kemudian tusuk dgn tusuk sate,kira2 satu tusuk sate bisa diisi 5-6 potong ayam,lakukan hingga sekesai / ayam habis
-bakar dgn teplon hingga setengah matang,(ambil 3sdm bumbu kacang taro dimangkok,olesi sate dgn bumbu kacang tsb menggunakan kuas).bolak balik sate dan bakar hingga matang,angkat.




-Sajikan dgn lontong
hhmmm yummy

Lontong is a typical Indonesian food made from rice wrapped in banana leaves or boiled until cooked and solid.
Because I don't have banana leaves, I also made them using plastic with a size of 9×20cm.
let's see how to make it
500gr white rice
enough plastic
skewers / toothpicks
How to make:

  1. wash the rice until clean
  2. Put the rice into the plastic up to 3/4 of the plastic area, do it until the rice runs out
  3. Then cover the plastic by bending the top end of the plastic for about 1 cm and then burn it with a fire from the candle, then do it until it's done.
  4. Prepare a pan that has been filled with water, add the rice packets until they are submerged
    This time I boiled rice cake with the 5-30-7 method, surely you guys already know right??
  5. After the water is hot and boiling, boil it for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for 30 minutes, don't open the pot.
  6. Check, open the lid of the pot, if the water decreases, add more water until the rice is submerged, close the pot again
  7. Cook again for 7 minutes (counting from boiling water).
  8. Turn off the heat, if you have removed it and let it cool down completely, then cut it according to taste and ready to serve…

let's peek again how to make satay;

-400gr chicken breast filleted & cut into cubes / a finger segment
-200gr fried peanuts, mashed (can be in a blender or ground, yes, according to taste)
-300 ml of water
-6 cloves of red onion
-3 cloves of garlic
-3 pieces of curly red chili
-50 grams of brown sugar
-2 hazelnuts
-5 tbsp sweet soy sauce
-1 tsp salt
-5 tbsp oil for frying

how to make peanut sauce;

  1. Mix the ground peanuts with water, stir until smooth
  2. Puree the onion, garlic, candlenut, and chili
  3. Prepare a frying pan and heat the oil, saute the ground spices until fragrant then add the brown sugar, add the ground nuts, stir until evenly distributed,
  4. After boiling add salt and sweet soy sauce
  5. Cook until the peanut sauce thickens, check the taste, turn off the heat. Put the peanut sauce in a bowl.

How to make chicken satay:

-Mix the diced chicken with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce, then pierce with a skewer, about one skewer can be filled with 5-6 pieces of chicken, do this until the chicken is finished
-bake with a barbecue pan until half cooked, (take 3 tablespoons of peanut sauce in a bowl, brush the satay with peanut sauce using a brush). Turn the satay back and forth and bake until cooked, remove.
-Serve with rice cake
hmmmm yummy