Tasty simple family Italian Dish Lasagne

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)


Hi I wanted to share my Homemade Lasagne Dish.
My recipe contains the following
Lasagne sheets
Beef Mince 500 g
1 jar of bolognese sauce
1 jar of lasagne white sauce
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
Cheese slices
Seasoning of parsley
Seasoning of basil
Seasoning of salt and pepper
To follow and cook this dish please see steps below
1st preheat oven to 150 degrees. While oven is heating up add some oil to frying pan heat oil low then add the beef mince fry on low til brown add half of the jar of bolognese sauce for a further 3 miniutes . Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the mince
2nd step add chopped tomatoes to a casserole dish then using a fork or a masher mash down those tomatoes til it’s mushy.
Then add big spoonfuls of the mince into the casserole dish on top of the tomatoes.
3rd step start adding your lasagne sheets on top of the mince. Add 3 cheese slices on top of the lasagne sheets. Followed by little lasagne sauce over the top.
Last step layer your lasagne add mince on top of the lasagne sheets followed by bolognese sauce and bolognese sauce. Add hints of parsley and basil for flavour. Once layered put your lasagne in the oven for around 40 minutes til the lasagne is fully cooked through.


Am Nigerian we don’t make this here but I will definitely try it out.

hi sheila you should certainly try its beautiful