I was told that when it got hot, my squash would stop producing.
We have just now in the last few days soared over 90°, and it will remain that way now for months.
We've had a fair amount of rain as well, but my ground is hard and doesn't absorb water well (which is why I went with the raised beds this year) but we are not projected for more rain for a couple of weeks.Good morning and good luck with all that @scribblingramma .
So far (knock on wood) my squash show no signs of slowing down... I got two largish squash and one largish cuke this morning.
My cukes have some sort of white stuff on the north facing leaves; doesn't seem to be hurting anything, yet these are not producing (yet) nearly like they did (in ground) as they did last year. Last year they were allowed to run on the ground, this year I've tried to keep them up on the fence