Who video you? That person na wicked pass 😩🥺
Haha, it was actually a classic one, the guy on green did some of the shoot, while I did some of the other shoot, we had to shoot simultaneously from different angles to make it good. Then I did the after editing.
But how did that guy ate that soup that was boiling even after it was placed on the table?
Well, we ate it like that, while boiling, we took even some other culdron of the soup even if while it was boiling but I didn't shoot that part really.
But sha, I love your smile at the beginning of the video where you held your origin drink... Cheers to the good life things 😊😇.
Lool I actually don't take alchohol, the guys that came with me wanted to play a prank, so they ordered what I don't take for me.
Lool as per the smile, thank you 😅😅😅.
Abi I shu come to Lagos so you will take me there 🥺
You don't mean it, I have been waiting for you all along 😁😁😁
Yes, that particular shot he took of you while you were devouring the turkey... That's the one I'm talking about 😩🥺 he's wicked 😂
You should have, so we can watch Nigerian Korean eating 🤣🤣
😬 They played a prank and you drank it? You didn't right? Abi you high go house 😂
🤣🤣 Na you dey talk small small, I dey road dey come 🙈
Loool how do you mean "Nigerian Korean"?
There were other parts we shot that we later trashed, but that particular one, he had to concentrate on aiming for the mouth, you have to admit the camera got the details hahah. Such a beast of a camera.
I later settled for malt but I trashed that particular video and didn't add it to the recording hahahah, lool high? Not me ooooo
Korean people do eat their meals very hot and sometime while it's still boiling and I've never saw that in Nigerian so I just combined the names together if you that is a Nigerian eat such a hot meal too... You're a Nigerian Korean 🤣 wahala, see explanation first
Better, you are doing well
Looool forgive me, I hardly see kdrama that much hahah. But this kind of meal needs one to actually eat them hot, for it to be flavourful.
Thanks for stopping by lol, I enjoyed talking with you.
Plus, do join me, I go again next year hahaha.
Is next year not too far? 🙄 I'm fact, next year is too far o 🥺
It should be on my birthday month at must but I don't mind before then sha 🥺🤭🤣
Isn't your birth month November? 😅😅😅😅
😂 Is July o
I see what you are trying to do