I can't live without pasta, you know guys. Today I bring another pasta recipe and I wanted to improve my sauce so this time the cooking was different.
I started by coarsely chopping 2 small onions, 4 tomatoes, and added a couple cloves of garlic.
No puedo vivir sin la pasta, ya ustedes saben chicos. Hoy traigo otra receta de pasta y quise mejorar mi salsa así que está vez la cocción fue diferente.
Comencé por cortar en trozos grandes 2 cebollas pequeñas, 4 tomates, y agregué un par de dientes de ajo.

All this I put in a baking dish, and I added a little oil, salt and pepper. I put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Todo esto lo puse en una fuente para horno, y le agregué un poco de aceite, sal y pimienta. Lo metí en el horno por 30-40 minutos a 180 grados.

Taking it out of the oven, this had a wonderful smell, we proceed to add all this to a blender and blend until a sauce is formed, in this step it is important to correct the seasoning, add salt and pepper.
Al sacarlo del horno, esto tenía un olor maravilloso, procedemos a añadir todo esto a una licuadora y licuamos hasta que se forma una salsa, en este paso es importante la corrección de la sazón, más sal y pimienta.

In this whole process, we made our pasta, now the next thing I'm going to do is add this sauce to my pasta, along with some chopped basil, I did this while the stove was still on, for less than 5 minutes.
En todo este proceso, elaboramos nuestra pasta, ahora lo siguiente que haré es añadir esta salsa a mi pasta, junto con un poco de albahaca cortada, esto lo hice mientras aún estaba encendida la cocina, por menos de 5 minutos.

To finish I wanted to add something different, so I put a scalded egg on it. What do you think?
Para finalizar quise añadir algo diferente, así que le puse un huevo escaldado. ¿Qué opinan?

Good at cooking, my friend, makeup makes us hungry.
That's the idea hahaha
Oh looks appetizing to me. This kind of recipe is just so perfect for Christmas and for some occasions but enjoying this one while alone is just different. Yum yum..
Totally right!!
Thank you ;)
I like the freshness of your ingredients: tomato, onion, garlic!
Just pure!! I like to eat fresh, organic and at home
Nice habit!
The original chief in the building... Kudos dear
Hahaha hiiiii
Yes😃😃😃, how are you my chef boss
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Please @josehany, I have a question. Must I put the ingredients inside oven? Since I don't have oven, can I use stove? I really want to practice this.
@josehany wowww nice recipe 😋