Hello to all friends in the community. Today I am making some cookies and I wanted to share the recipe.
Hola a todos amigos en la comunidad. Hoy estoy preparando unas galletas y quería compartir la receta.

We will make some chocolate chip cookies in the traditional way, we add 115 grams of room temperature butter in a bowl, then 100 grams of brown sugar, 75 grams of white sugar.
Haremos unas galletas de chispas de chocolate de forma tradicional, agregamos 115 gramos de mantequilla temperatura ambiente en un bowl, luego 100 gramos de azúcar morena, 75 gramos azúcar blanca.

Now we look for a palette and we begin to mix everything, until it is integrated. Add an egg and a little vanilla and integrate again.
Ahora buscamos una paleta y empezamos a mezclar todo, hasta que se integre. Agregamos un huevo y un poco de vainilla y volvemos a integrar.
Now we add the dry ingredients, 220 grams of wheat flour, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of cornstarch, and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.
Ahora añadimos los ingredientes secos, 220 gramos de harina de trigo, 1/4 cucharadita de sal, una cucharadita de Maicena, y 1/2 cucharadita de polvo de hornear.

Add 100 grams of chocolate chips, and mix everything very well again.
Añadimos 100 gramos de chispas de chocolates, y volvemos a mezclar todo muy bien.
Here I take an ice cream scoop and grab the mixture, with my hands I turn it into a ball, and since I wanted to make it different, I opened a hole in the middle of the ball and filled it with hazelnut cream and closed it again, put all this on a tray with butter paper and I took it to the freezer for 30 min.
Aquí tomo una cuchara de helado y agarro mezcla, con mis manos la convierto en una bola, y como la quisiera hacer diferente, abrí un hueco en el medio de la bola y ahí rellené con crema de avellanas y volver a cerrar, coloque todo esto en una bandeja con papel manteca y lo llevé al congelador por 30 min.

After the dough was almost frozen, I decided to bake them. Why did I do it this way? Because when the dough is frozen, that prevents all the dough from falling while it is baked and turning into thin cookies, instead we will have thick cookies.
Now we will separate these cookies a little on the tray, because if we put too many they will stick, it is best to put a few at a time and with plenty of space, for this we will have preheated the oven to 180 degrees, we will put the cookies in for 20 minutes and that's it
Aquí tomo una cuchara de helado y agarro mezcla, con mis manos la convierto en una bola, y como la quisiera hacer diferente, abrí un hueco en el medio de la bola y ahí rellené con crema de avellanas y volver a cerrar, coloque todo esto en una bandeja con papel manteca y lo llevé al congelador por 30 min.
Después de que las masa estuviera casi congelada fue que decidí hornearlas. ¿Por qué lo hice de esta forma? Porque al estar la masa congelada eso impiden de que se baje toda la masa mientras se hornea y se conviertan en unas galletas delgadas, en lugar de eso tendremos una galletas gorditas.
Al final, debemos dejar reposar las galletas hasta que estén frías y podamos comerlas.

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I love eating cookies, these ones you made are hygienic. Thanks for the detailed explanations, I now understand why it should be frozen first before baking. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes.
Awwwn! This looks really yummy 😋, I'll try making It , i love chocolate recipes😍
Do it ;)
Yeah sure i will😍
Esto si es una verdadera tortura... Me recuerdan tanto a las chips ahoy! 😍
A mí me encantan esas galletas ;)
Wow this is so amazing i love the process and truly if it is not frozen it will surely spill of while baking, thanks for sharing
Exactly needs to be frozen !! Thanks
The pleasure
Wawu! I actually want to learnt to make new delicacies everytime because, I want to be a pride to my wife, children and to myself Whenever I get married
Your chocolate chips looks tempting. I will never get tired of eating such dessert.
I have never tried preparing cookies at home because I used to think that it's not easy and that too at home it's even more difficult. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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I really love cookies, talk more of chocolate cookie 🍪. Thanks for explaining and listing in details how to prepare it. Your post is really awesome.
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It is actually delicious