Hello dear friends of the community happy start of the week I want to share with you this delicious dough for ham and cheese pizza very rich

- 450gr de harina
- 1 cucharadita de sal
- 1 cucharadita de azúcar
- 300ml de agua templada
- 2 cuchara de aceite
- 200gr de queso mozzarella
- 1/2 cebolla
- 1/2 pimentón
- jamón
- salsa de tomate para pizza
- 5gr de levadura
- 5gr yeast
- 450gr flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 300ml of warm water
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 200gr mozzarella cheese
- 1/2 onion
- 1/2 paprika
- ham
- tomato sauce for pizza
Proceso/ process
1. - primero vamos a colocar la harina en un bowl y luego colocamos la sal y revolvemos, ahora en una jarra agregamos el agua, azúcar y levadura y revolvemos y dejamos actuar por 10 minutos, luego agregamos el aceite en la harina y agregamos el agua con la levadura y comenzamos amasar hasta que tengamos una masa suave le agregamos un chorrito de aceite en el bowl colocamos la masa y tapamos y guardamos por 1 hora
1. - first we are going to place the flour in a bowl and then place the salt and stir, now in a pitcher add the water, sugar and yeast and stir and let it act for 10 minutes, then add the oil in the flour and add the water with the yeast and begin to knead until we have a smooth dough add a little oil in the bowl place the dough and cover and store for 1 hour.

2. - luego rallamos el queso, picamos la cebolla y el pimentón en juliana y el jamón en cuadros y ahora sacamos la masa y dividimos en dos estiramos la masa y yo lo voy a colocar en un molde rectángulo con un chorrito de aceite y harina de trigo, colocamos la masa luego la salsa, queso, jamón y los vegetales y llevamos al horno por 40 minutos
2. - then we grate the cheese, chop the onion and pepper in julienne strips and the ham in squares and now we take out the dough and divide it in two, stretch the dough and I will place it in a rectangular mold with a little oil and wheat flour, place the dough then the sauce, cheese, ham and vegetables and take it to the oven for 40 minutes.

Y Listo amigos así queda esta deliciosa pizza rica y dorada, la dividimos en cuadros y servimos gracias a todos por leerme y apoyarme
And ready friends, this is how this delicious rich and golden pizza turns out, we divide it into squares and serve it, thanks to all of you for reading and supporting me.

All photos are my property
Template edited in Adobe Photoshop Cs6

Hello Kathe, I loved your post!
People should make more pizza at home, Your recipe looks tasty and simple
Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
Check out my pizza community, would be a pleasure to have you there
^ c/Pizza Joint ^