Hello dear friends of the community happy Friday for all I want to share this delicious recipe that makes me remember my childhood I always loved these spaghetti with tomato sauce cheese and baked banana, my mom always prepared them when we were late for some reason to the house and had not downloaded anything salty freezer and the most practical was to make these delicious spaghetti
- 2 tomates
- 1 cebolla
- 2 dientes de ajo
- aceite
- sal
- ½ kilo de pasta larga
- salsa de soya
- orégano entero
- medio cubito
- plátano
- queso rayado
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- olive oil
- salt
- ½ kilo long pasta
- soy sauce
- whole oregano
- half a cube
- plantain
- grated cheese
Proceso/ process
1. - primero pelamos los plátano y llevamos al horno hasta que estén dorados y reservamos lavamos los vegetales y llevamos a licuadora y licuamos con un chorrito de agua, colocamos una olla a calentar y colocamos un chorrito de aceite y colocamos la mezcla y agregamos salsa de soya, orégano y medio cubito y revolvemos todo
1. - first we peel the bananas and bake them in the oven until they are golden brown and set them aside, wash the vegetables and take them to a blender and blend them with a little water, put a pot to heat and add a little oil, add the mixture and add soy sauce, oregano and half a cube and stir everything.
2. - Luego tapamos la salsa y vamos a ir revolviendo hasta que la salsa se coloque espesa y apagamos, en una olla colocamos agua y sal y llevamos a hervir cuando este en punto de ebullición agregamos la pasta revolvemos luego cuando esté en su punto le sacamos el agua y le agregamos una cuchara de mantequilla y servimos
2. - Then we cover the sauce and we will go stirring until the sauce is thick and turn off, in a pot we put water and salt and bring to boil when it is boiling add the pasta stir then when it is ready we remove the water and add a spoonful of butter and serve.
Y Listo amigos así quedan estos deliciosos espaguetis al final le agregamos queso y el plátano horneado , gracias a todos por leerme y apoyarme
And that's it friends, this is how these delicious spaghetti are left, at the end we add cheese and baked banana, thank you all for reading and supporting me.
All photos are my property
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