Foodies Bee hive [Try crab meat on the island of Sabang]

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Hello Foodies Bee hive Lovers.! How are you?
Congratulations to Admin @foodiesbeehive , Admin @foodiesunite , MOD Superfoodie @sirenahippie , MOD Superfoodie @anggreklestari , MOD Superfoodie @sajannair , MOD Superfoodie @jasonbu
Today I will continue part two according to what I promised a few days ago.
still themed about food or seafood.
do you know what this is?

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Surely you will think this is a crab right?, but actually this is not a crab, but this is a crab.
At first glance it looks similar, but actually, you can see the difference through its shape. Crab has a shell that tends to be wider and slender, while crabs do not.
Crabs and crabs both live in the sea and as animals with claws,
However, crabs live in one realm, namely in the ocean, while crabs live in two realms, either in water or on land.
In addition, if removed from their habitat, the crab will not be able to survive long. While crabs can still survive long enough.
but when processed into seafood dishes, the taste of both is guaranteed to be very delicious and delicious in every bite.

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