
I'm not a vegetarian. I'm afraid to lose my gains. 😅 But I'm amazed by people who can live a vegetarian lifestyle. It's just a bit hard here where I live since our place is not very vegetarian-friendly.

I'm not a vegetarian. I'm afraid to lose my gains.

Whaat?? Look up Nimai Delgado bro, he have never had a piece of meat in his life and is fully plant-based and have been for ages :D

I just looked him up and woah! The guy looks jacked. I can't believe he's plant based. I'm checking his diet to see if some of it is practical for me to adapt. Thanks for the info, @cwow2!

He is crazy! I know a few of them :P Nimai just grow up vegetarian and then went vegan!

If you are interesting you can also check out Simnett Nutrition and Brian Turner (Both are full Vegan) :D

Both have yt channels and instagrams ^^ :D

It's just a bit hard here where I live since our place is not very vegetarian-friendly.
oh, why? That sounds strange!🙄 I only fast for 2 days of the month to detox my body. hehe 😄