Thank you pasta

In as much as I like to cook, I hate to think of what to cook. You know that frustration attached to thinking of what you want to cook ah! it pisses me off.

So for people who just sit back and they are served food please, appreciate that fact that it is hard work to get to think of what to cook in the first place

You know, While we were younger we used to us Have a roster of meals to cook at a particular point in time
I don't know if that still works for this some people this time.

It was Saturday morning and getting breakfast was tedious I must tell you plus I needed to make it healthy ahhhhhhh it wasnt that easy.

All thanks to pasta, it was my life safer

Though I don't really like pasta, it was very much available so I decided to make a healthy meal out of it.

let me take you through how I preaped my pasta


List of ingredient
Bell pepper
Green pepper
Yellow pepper
Rose Mary
Turmeric powder
Garlic powder
Fresh curry
Red kidney and

Curry leaves, Turmeric powder rosemary seasoning Cinnamon


Yellow pepper


So fresh so beautiful I seldom meet it the market any time I come across it I just buy and keep it for days like today

Green pepper.


Red kidney


Thank God I had a left over of soaked red kidney it came handy for me

Carrots never goes wrong


It pups up so nicely on your dish

Next, I put the pasta into a pot,pour water and put place it on fire to boil for about 15 minutes


While that was happening I had diced my veggies Ready for use


Next was to seive my pasta so t is t some stachy water would drain off the pasta through a paforated object in the case I used a plastic basket


I wanted to cook this meal without oil so I had to stir fry my veggies
First was onion and pepper then others including the seasonings


While I poured the veggies , I kept stearing to avoid burning. the color and aroma was inviting after which,i pour quarter cup of water



I left it to boil for two minutes then incorporated my pasta to it.


So my breakfast is ready I served it with slices of cucumber and greated fresh ginger on it


I said it earlier that I wanted an oil free healthy meal and that exactly is what I got
See my protein source egg well positoned.

The meal was filling, delicious and healthy.Everyone enjoyed it and wanted more


Thank you so much for stopping by
Enjoy the rest of your weekend


Nice posts..
But you pictures are not so clear.
You can try to take better pictures in subsequent posts..
Well done.

Thanks so much I appreciate the correction. I will definitely take note of that next time.

you are doing well.