Hello friends!
The recipe that I will prepare for you today is DELICIOUS! A delicious STUFFED BREAD! It gets ready in no time and it's great!
Try this fantastic recipe and let me know in the comments if you liked it
Have a nice day, my friends!
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1 small potato
90 grams of flour
55ml milk
10 grams butter
100 grams minced meat
100 grams tomato
1/2 glass of white wine
extra virgin olive oil
Recipe difficulty: 8/10
Cook for 10 minutes on each side over low heat
Peel and cut 1 small potato
Melt 10 grams of butter
Add 90 grams of flour, 55ml of milk, melted butter and mix
cook 100 grams of minced meat
Add 1 pinch of salt and pepper
Add 1/2 glass of white wine
Add 100 grams of tomato
Add 1 pinch of salt and mash the potato
Cook for 10 minutes on each side over low heat
Ciao ho visto il video!
Non avevo mai cucinato una pizza ripiena in padella!
La devo provare!
Grazie di cuore
Il video è perfetto!
thank you
Grazie a te