"Fluffy and Creamy Japanese Omelet Rice with Free Range Eggs"
I love omelet rice very much. Omelets are a very popular food in Japan. There are many omelet specialty restaurants. They only serve omelets or omelet rice. I'm always impressed with chefs who can handle eggs very well. I am not good at cooking eggs but I tried to make fluffy and creamy eggs this time. It was ok. I should be kind to myself. Anyway, I used eggs from the free-range chicken farm near my house. Their eggs are so tasty. Totally different taste from factory eggs. I can taste happy eggs.
By the way, people like to use Onomatopoeia in Japan a lot like Fuwa Fuwa which means fluffy, or Toro Toro which means creamy. There are thousands of Onomatopoeia words in Japanese. Some people say, there are 4,000-5,000 Onomatopoeia words in Japanese. Also, people use Onomatopoeia for food a lot. If you watch Japanese cooking shows, you will hear Onomatopoeia every time everywhere.
Some examples
Sound Symbolism Meaning
jiro jiro (to) [miru]
じろじろ(と)[見る] [see] intently (= stare)
kira kira (to) [hikaru]
きらきら(と)[光る] [shine] sparklingly
gira gira (to) [hikaru]
ぎらぎら(と)[光る] [shine] dazzlingly
doki doki [suru]
どきどき[する] with a throbbing heart
guzu guzu [suru]
ぐずぐず[する] procrastinating or dawdling
(suru not optional)
shiin to [suru]
しいんと[する] [be (lit. do)] quiet
(suru not optional)
pin pin [shite iru]
ぴんぴん[している] [be (lit. do)] lively
(shite iru not optional)
yobo yobo ni [naru] [become] wobbly-legged (from age)
Here is Japanese sound symbolism 音象徴についてはコチラ:
Ingredients 材料
Ketchup Rice
・Rice-two scoops 米 2合
・Ketchup- 3 tablespoon ケチャプ 大さじ3
・Chiken stock-1 tablespoon コンソメ 大さじ1
・Onion- 1/2 玉ねぎ 1/2
・Carrots-1 or 1/2 人参 1本または1/2
・Butter 2 tablespoons バター大さじ2
・Free range eggs × 3 フリーレンジの卵3個
・Milk-2 tablespoons 牛乳 大さじ2
・Water-1 tablespoon 水 大さじ1
・Butter or Oil-2 tablespoons バターか油 大さじ2
- Wash rice and pour water up to 1 or a little bit above the 1 portion level mark in the rice cooker.
- Chop carrots and onions and put them on the rice.
- Put butter, chicken stock, and ketchup on the rice. (the water level should be around the level 2 mark including all the ingredients.)
- Start the rice cooker!
1. 米を洗ってメモリ1または1より少しだけ上まで水を入れる。
2. 千切りにしたにんじんと玉ねぎを米の上にのせる。
3. バター、コンソメ、ケチャップを米の上にのせる。(材料を全部入れて水かさがメモリ2にくるようにする)
4. 炊飯器をスタート!
- Break eggs and mix well with milk and water.
- Cook on a pan for a while.
- Fold the left side up to the middle line and the right side as well.
- Finish before totally cooked.
1. 卵を割って牛乳と水を入れてよく混ぜる。
2. フライパンで少しの間焼く。
3. 左側を真ん中辺りまで折り、右側も同じく折る。
4. 完全に焼ける前に取り出す。
- Put the omelet on the ketchup rice on the plate.
- Cut in the middle with a knife. The melty and creamy eggs come out from the inside of the omelet. Put extra ketchup on top of the omelet if you like.
1. ケチャップライスをお皿に盛り付け、その上にオムレツを置く。
2. ナイフで真ん中に切り込みを入れると、中からとろっとした半熟の部分が出てきます。お好みでケチャップを上にかけます。
I ate the omelet rice with pumpkin soup and corn salad. It was delicious!
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You are on a cooking kick lately! Another wonderful meal here. I also love Omelet Rice. There was an episode of Midnight Diner (深夜食堂) that features omelet rice. That show always makes me hungry. Just like your last few posts! haha keep up the good work.
Oh, I like "Shinya Shokudo" as well. I watched the movie version before. Definitely, that show makes us hungry. I noticed that I cook meals every day anyway so it's a good topic for me!
Oh your omelette looks fluffy:)
Yeah, I tried to make a fluffy one this time. It was pretty fluffy and creamy!
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This is the first time that I have seen a Japanese recipe in this community. To be honest, I love Japanese cuisine, especially Ramen. I will try this one out.
I love Ramen too! My home town's special Ramen is called Miso Butter Corn Ramen. Curly noodles, corn, butter, and more toppings! Talking about Ramen makes me hungry;)
Me too!