Roots Veggies and Cruciferous Vegetables 根野菜とアブラナ科の野菜 [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago


Roots Veggies and Cruciferous Vegetables

Do you like root vegetables? I love them so much! Some of my favorites include carrots, potatoes, ginger, sweet potatoes, burdock, yams, and more. Even though they can sometimes be difficult to cook if they’re too hard or uncommon, I find them incredibly rewarding.

Vitamin E is abundantly found in root vegetables. These vegetables are believed to help dilate capillaries and promote blood circulation. Improving blood flow in peripheral blood vessels is thought to alleviate conditions such as cold sensitivity and shoulder stiffness. Root vegetables are especially good for my pre-existing medical condition. My body constantly feels cold, so root vegetables support my health significantly.

In summer, I sometimes grow potatoes and carrots in my garden. They aren’t too difficult to grow, but I often struggle to make them grow bigger. The quality of the soil is crucial for growing root vegetables successfully.

On the other hand, I can’t eat cruciferous vegetables very much, even though I love them. These include cabbages, broccoli, baby bok choy, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and more.

When I visited the farm market recently, I saw some interesting-looking vegetables. They had such a natural appearance! In supermarkets, workers usually cut off the roots, leaves, and stems before selling vegetables. However, the roots, leaves, and stems are often the most nutritious parts. If they’re edible, I don’t chop them off. I cook and eat them all. For example, I love cooking the stems of broccoli and cauliflower.


For example, these were organic Brussels sprouts. They were $5.00 and looked so fresh! I think they taste much better than the trimmed ones. I already had Brussels sprouts a few days ago, so I didn’t buy them this time, but I’d like to go back and get some soon.


I also saw ginger roots with their leaves and stems attached, and they looked so delicious. Although people don’t usually eat the leaves, they can be used as a natural deodorizer in the fridge or even in the bath. I think the smell of ginger leaves is so nice.


Look at these ginger roots! They look so much healthier with their leaves and stems intact. I really wish stores would sell vegetables with their stems and leaves left on.

I also enjoy eating the leaves of Japanese radishes (daikon) in miso soup. In Japan, most local grocery stores selling fresh vegetables leave the daikon leaves intact, except for some large supermarkets.


These are organic turnips. I don’t eat them often, but they’re delicious vegetables. Their colour is beautiful!


Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever tried organic kohlrabi before. I looked up how to eat them and learned they’re also cruciferous vegetables. They can be enjoyed in salads, pickles, stir-fries, fried sticks, and more. I’d love to try them someday soon!

I really enjoy visiting the farm market to see interesting, fresh vegetables like these. Even though the fridge section can be freezing cold, I dress warmly so I can explore comfortably.

Japanese 日本語




根野菜にはビタミンEが豊富に含まれているそうです。根野菜は毛細血管を広げて血行促進やさせる働きがあるらしいです。末梢血管の血行が促進されて、冷え性や肩こりの緩和も期待できるのだそうです。それはすごい! 私は持病のせいでしょっちゅう体が冷えるので、体が温まる根野菜は大歓迎です。

















Thank you for reading!



Hi, everything looks very fresh, I was struck by the ginger leaves, actually I have never seen them before, ginger is always sold without them, it's good to get everything fresh.


Thank you! It’s good to see fresh vegetables like this for sure!

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!

The root is even more expensive because it can be replanted and used later.

I totally agree with you! That’s why they cut the roots because we can reuse them…😌