Postre Italiano: Tiramisú.
Italian Dessert: Tiramisu.
¡Hoola, mis queridos amigos comensales! Espero se encuentren muy bien este día y que estén disfrutando de deliciosas comidas. Estaba ansiosa por escribirles, y compartir esta receta de un postre extremadamente delicioso, como lo es el TIRAMISÚ, que es un postre italiano, que se sirve frío, con un espectacular sabor a café. El tiramisú, es un postre a base de un biscocho humedecido con un almíbar de café, y con una crema batida de queso.
Hello, my dear foodie friends! I hope you are feeling great this day and that you are enjoying delicious meals. I was anxious to write to you, and share this recipe for an extremely delicious dessert, such as TIRAMISU, which is an Italian dessert, served cold, with a spectacular coffee flavor. Tiramisu is a dessert based on a biscuit moistened with a coffee syrup and a whipped cream cheese.
Next I will tell and explain to you step by step its preparation and assembly. I hope you enjoy it.
El bizcocho
The sponge cake
Ingredientes- Ingredients:
4 huevos- Eggs
100 gr Azúcar- Sugar
100 gr Harina- Flour
Esencia de vainilla- Vanilla essence
Preparación del Bizcocho
Preparation of the cake
Paso 1: Separar las claras de las yemas. En un bol batir las claras con batidora eléctrica, al cabo de 2 minutos agregar poco a poco la mitad del azúcar, y reservar la otra parte. Batir hasta que estén un poco merengadas y reservar.
Step 1: Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. In a bowl beat the egg whites with an electric mixer, after 2 minutes add little by little half of the sugar, and set aside the other part. Beat until slightly stiffened and set aside.
Batiendo las claras con el azúcar
Whipping the egg whites with the sugar
Claras merengadas
Whipped egg whites
Paso 2: En otro bol, batir las yemas con la mitad del azúcar, hasta que éstas blanqueen un poco, esto se realiza con batidor eléctrico, en este momento agregar una cucharadia de vainilla.
Step 2: In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with half of the sugar, until they whiten a little, this is done with an electric mixer, at this time add a teaspoon of vanilla.
Blanqueando las yemas con el azúcar
Whipping the egg yolks with the sugar
Paso 3: Agregar la harina en dos partes y mezclar con una espátula hasta integrar bien, y luego ir agregando en dos partes las claras batidas que se reservaron al inicio, y mezclar muy bien hasta integrar completamente todo. Y listo, tenemos nuestra mezcla para el bizcocho.
Step 3: Add the flour in two parts and mix with a spatula until well integrated, and then add in two parts the beaten egg whites that were reserved at the beginning, and mix very well until everything is completely integrated. And ready, we have our mixture for the cake.
Agregando y mezclando las claras merengadas
Adding and mixing the egg whites
Mezcla del bizcocho lista
Ready cake mix
Divide this mixture in two and place in trays of equal diameter, bake at 180ºC for 15 minutes.
La crema
The cream
Ingredientes- Ingredients
3 huevos - Eggs
90 gr Azúcar- Sugar
250 gr queso crema- cream cheese
10 gr gelatina sin sabor- unflavored gelatin
Esencia de vainilla- Vanilla essence
Preparación de la crema
Cream preparation
Paso 1: En un bol, batir las claras con 50 gr de azúcar, con ayuda del batidor eléctrico, hasta espumar muy bien y estar un poco merengadas, y reservar.
Step 1: In a bowl, beat the egg whites with 50 grams of sugar, with the help of the electric mixer, until frothy and slightly stiffened, and set aside.
Batiendo las claras con el azúcar
Whipping the egg whites with the sugar
Paso 2: En otro bol, colocar las yemas con el resto del azúcar, y llevar a baño de maría, hasta que se disuelva el azúcar. Luego comenzar a batir e ir agregando el queso crema en tres partes hasta estar todo integrado.
Step 2: In another bowl, place the egg yolks with the rest of the sugar and place in a double boiler until the sugar dissolves. Then begin to beat and add the cream cheese in three parts until everything is integrated.
Yemas en baño de María
Yolks in a bain-marie
Batiendo las yemas y agregando el queso crema
Whipping the egg yolks and adding the cream cheese
Paso 3: Con ayuda de una espátula, agregar e integrar las claras espumadas anteriormente.
Step 3: With the help of a spatula, add and integrate the egg whites previously frothed.
Incorporando las claras merengadas
Incorporating the egg whites
Paso 4: Incorporar la gelatina derretida de un solo golpe e integrar.
Step 4: Stir in the melted gelatin in one go and integrate.
Nota: La gelatina se debe hidratar 15 minutos antes de su uso en 50 mililitros de agua.
Note: Gelatin should be hydrated 15 minutes before use in 50 milliliters of water.
Agregando la gelatina
Adding the gelatin
This way our cream is ready. And we begin the assembly of our dessert, which is very simple and fast.
Armado del Tiramisú
The first thing to do is to moisten the two sponge cakes very well with the coffee syrup. With a toothpick we make holes along the entire length of the cake and then we place the syrup with a spoon.
Humedeciendo los bizcochos
Moistening the biscuits
The base is a layer of moistened sponge cake, then we place half of the cream, in this case I placed small pieces of dark chocolate, but this is very much my own, the original dessert does not have this.
Capa de crema con trozos de chocolate
Cream layer with chocolate chips
We continue with the second moistened sponge cake and finish with the other half of the cream, here on the surface we sprinkle cocoa or chocolate powder. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and our dessert is ready to serve.
Tiramisú completamente armado, a la nevera
Tiramisu fully assembled, to the refrigerator
A degustar...
Todas las fotografías usadas en este post son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi 9T.
All photographs used in this post are my own, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9T phone.
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Would condensed milk be a good substitution for the middle layer?
Hola @lost.ryulincoln! No, this layer takes consistency when refrigerated, it is a cold dessert but it remains assembled, in layers. The condensed milk does not have the consistency or thickness to be so firm. Greetings!
Ssii, es delicioso. Hazlo! Jejeje!
Que delicioso postre☺
Ssii, amiga. Es muy rico.