in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago







Today was a beautiful day to go out for an afternoon lunch. After doing shopping for one of my friend's in the market, we were hungry and headed to a restaurant to have a lunch. Since it was pretty hot, we first ordered ice blended mocha with vanilla ice-cream. This creamy drinks turn out to be quite satisfactory and sweet. Next on our meal was Chicken Tandoori (third and fourth picture). Since we were just two, we ordered Chicken Tandoori half. This is one of my favorite chicken dish. Pretty popular in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. First the chicken is marinated with various herbal spices and ingredients one of which is curd or yogurt. Then it is cooked in Tandoor (a cylindrical oven). The tandoor is first heated with charcoal or wood and the marinated chicken is just placed above it. Last on our meal was Club Sandwich. I don't have sandwich normally but seeing a beautiful photo in their menu, I ordered this one but this wasn't the same one and I got dissatisfied with the restaurant on serving this food item.