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RE: Keto friendly Bulgarian Moussaka

This looks absolutely delicious!
I am not on Keto because my mom's gastric is very sensitive to diary and oil. So I'll just go on with sugarless / stevia sugar base meals and drinks at the moment.

But Chinese New Year there are still tons of cookies; I will need to "settle them" in between before I go full overnight oats again.

The only sad thing about Keto is that you got to do your own bread (like using almond flour for example) because keto breads are super expensive (at least in Malaysia), and then if that is possible, Kimchi Grill is my go to "cheat day".


I have Keto bread but I hate it yuk, the texture is awful and the taste and smell is like nothing I have tasted it like dried dog biscuits is all I can think of.

hahaha.... "dried dog biscuits".... what have we got ourselves into? 🤣