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RE: Hive Top Chef - Sausage, Mash & Brown Onion Gravy

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

I could actually do with one like that, didn't know they came with shelves. I mostly cook for just 2 as well.
I was wanting to try baking in it, but wasn't sure if it would be successful.
Maybe you have to halve the recipe and make a smaller cake?
If it doesn't bake a cake properly, I doubt it could bake bread properly!
I'm happy with the way it's performed so far with other foods.
Have a great weekend LUT!
PS I'm having second thoughts about throwing in the towel and moving now that my staff is back but definitely need to change holiday operations!


This is the one I have, the fancy 9 in 1 function is really preset temperature and time, but it's great that it can go to quite low temperature for dehydration and proof, which I haven't used yet because I haven't baked bread for a long time.

Perhaps it would be nice if you could operate in the busy months only and take time off the rest of the year. But would that work for your staff to work for part of the year only? Plus, if in future, when you decide to sell, would you be able to ask for a better price when you only have part year business to show? Either way, whatever decision you make, as long as you're doing what you enjoy most, that's what matters.

Have a great weekend Lizzie!!

I love your air fryer, that would be the ultimate!
I'm actually very busy throughout the year as well with the motoring companies, and their guys are model guests.
The problem is the staff wanting to go home for Christmas and New Year. I could close just for that week, but that's when bookings peak.
My staff realize now that I can't do it alone anymore, so will have to stagger their leave so there's someone here all the time.
Their family homes are in the rural areas, far removed from the city, a legacy of Apartheid!
I don't offer cleaning services on those days but if there's a guest changeover, I need someone. I could change my booking settings to not have same-day check-out and check-ins.
About moving, I've never lived in an apartment, I'll get claustrophobic, perhaps a groundfloor unit would work.
At least I have options, so should thank my lucky stars!